Credential Suspension/Unsuspension

The following changes have been made in the Hotlist service:

  1. Remark for Block/Unblock
    •Added a ‘description’ field in the request DTO that will take any remark for blocking/unblocking any id.
    •Added a column ‘description’ in the hotlist and hotlist_h tables.


  1. Notifications on Block/Unblock
    •Added a flag for block and unblock notifications.
    •If the flag is set to "YES," SMS and Email notifications are prepared and sent using the NotificationService.
    •The notification template depends on the idType (UIN or VID).
    •HS_UIN_BLOCK/HS_UIN_UNBLOCK templates are used for UIN and HS_VID_BLOCK/HS_VID_UNBLOCK templates are used for VID