Topics for the WG meeting

Topics for the WG meeting

  1. Data model (Ukraine team)

**** Part of a registry regulation that describe DB and API [IV1] 

 [IV1]Yes, the Digital Registries BB is envisioned as generic  tool to facilitate any registry regardless of the registrant. Data model is different in each case(dynamic), e.g. Postpartum infant care program to register a mother and child to the program; Rural advisory program for farmers, business register etc.
The platform data model may vary depending on the underlying technology. It would be interesting to discuss how to define/document the generic database datamodel. I will add this topic to the WG meeting.


2. Registry regulation (Ukraine team)

**** Set of configurations that describe behavior of the registry[IV1] 

 [IV1]Would be great to understand what is this. Registry management principles?  So far we have been focusing on functional capabilities. In the specification we have tried to leave the registry principles open because of domain and regional variation. If required we could add a separate deliverable for generic registry principles (TBD).  


3. List API (regex)

Not by regex, search possible by sql operators (like, eq, gt, lt, in, etc)[IV1] 

 [IV1]Interesting. We may need to standardize this so all building blocks would use same methods.