Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstallation instructions

Uninstall the helm chart from a specific Namespace

Helm uninstall removes all of the resources associated with the last deployed chart as well as the deployment history.


helm uninstall RELEASE_NAME -n <namespace>

Note: here The helm uninstallation may not delete the persistent volume. in that case, it can be deleted by using the command


kubectl get pv kubectl delete pv <pv_name> --grace-period=0 --force

However, sometimes the cluster resources are not deleted, in such cases, we highly recommend deleting the Namespace from the cluster for a new deployment. as this will delete all the resources attached to the previous deployment in that particular namespace.


kubectl delete namespace [your-namespace]

To Delete the cluster-role and cluster-role-bindings


kubectl delete clusterroles kubectl delete clusterrolebinding


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