2025-03-03 Payments Building Block Working Group Meeting

2025-03-03 Payments Building Block Working Group Meeting


Mar 3, 2025


  • @Kibuuka, Arnold

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @Oscar Correia

  • @David Higgins



  • Review and discuss the integration of the multicurrency support documentation into the GitBook.

  • Address comments and questions on the specifications

 Discussion topics







Multicurrency Support Documentation on Gitbook

@Kibuuka, Arnold

  • Discussion on integrating the multicurrency support documentation into the GitBook.

    • Need to update existing APIs and potentially create new sections for internal workflows, data structures, and functional requirements.

    • @Oscar Correia confirmed that the only remaining parts were to add a reference to Section 9 and factor in the GitHub comments.

    • Debate on the versioning of the GitBook and whether to create a new version or update the existing one.

    • @Ramkumar suggested writing a note to @Ali González and @Shukla, Ayush to discuss the versioning issue. He explained that the architecture team is currently debating whether to change the versioning nomenclature. He also confirmed that all editing should happen on the development version.

Comments on Specifications

@David Higgins

Review of comments on the specifications, including the need to clarify the scheduling services section and address questions about the security layer and API management gateway.

  • Discussion on whether to simplify the description section and push more details to the use case documentation or an annex.

  • Agreement that the security layer and API management gateway are necessary and do not need to be changed

  • Discussion on whether to update the text in the scheduling services section.

  • @Oscar Correia questioned whether any housekeeping services need to be scheduled that would be internal to the payment building block.

  • @David Higgins responded that any timers and timeouts are internal and should not be specified in the specification.

MasterCard Integration Testing


@PSRAMKUMAR inquired about the status of testing the MasterCard integration and whether there were any updates on Nico's offer to take it up for testing the APIs @dirk.muehlenweg @Christoph.Auer

@Mauree, Venkatesen responded that a meeting with MasterCard is planned for this week.

 Action items

@Kibuuka, Arnold Integrate multicurrency support documentation into the GitBook.  
@David Higgins Provide wording for the description column in the multicurrency support documentation in data structures(i.e Currency mandatory for multicurrency use case)
@David Higgins : Circulate a suggestion for text to clarify the scheduling services section.  
@Mauree, Venkatesen Organise a meeting with @Ali González on the structuring of the spec to integrate the multicurrency use case into the current payments BB spec
  •  Decisions

  1. /decision to schedule a follow-up meeting for March 24th at 3:00 PM to discuss the integration of the multicurrency support documentation and address any remaining comments on the specifications.

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