GIS BB Meeting#8 Jan 24, 2023


  •  @Tarek Rashed

  • @Tanvir Quader

  • @Dan Henderson


Recorded Meeting


Meeting Notes







Recap progress and review of action items from last week


  • Summary of the logical process blueprints completed by Tarek and Dongpo

Discussion of the scoping progress and team responsibilities


  • Too much focus on the incident management system instead of GIS. Need to revise to highlight the core function in the GIS.

  • It will be useful to show two layers - An application that consumes the GIS BB (like a disaster management or land records management,etc) which we do not have to dive into details except for what you have written already and a second layer for the GIS building block showing the services for which an application would call GIS BB. Example services may include:  

    1. external client applications for depositing incident notifications with geolocation, datetime and other related information in JSON format

    1. a situation room for querying raw data of incidents (individual as well as grouped by incident type / region / daterange / incident density/ etc.)

    1. visualization UI for providing temporo-spatial visualisation of incident indicators as needed for decision support (both in situation analysis and during situation management)

    1. assistance to find available resources by proximity to event location

    1. resource tracking and navigation assistance

Preparing for the incoming GovStack BB January Monthly Meeting


  • All GIS BB team members encouraged to attend the monthly meeting on Jan 27.

  • The GIS BB Team debrief will include:

    • List of team members and affilation

    • Current progress

      • Challanges


Action Items

  • Revise Logical journey and business logical blueprint in form of two layers as described above


  • N/A