2023-03-13 G2P Use-case implementation - Alignment with Mojaloop

2023-03-13 G2P Use-case implementation - Alignment with Mojaloop


Mar 13, 2023


  • @Kibuuka, Arnold

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @Soban Najam

  • @Satyajit Suri

  • @Paul Makin

  • @karim.jindani

  • @Avik Ganguly

  • @Eskandar, Hani


  • The goal of the meeting was to clarify the roles of Mojaloop in a bulk payments ecosystem and ensure alignment with the payments BB specifications for implementing the G2P bulk payment use case, addressing any confusion that may have arisen during previous presentations.

Meeting recording: https://ituint-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/arnold_kibuuka_itu_int/EdUSkbnIxTFFjSfkfN43hgcBeJBUYBjr17gpIwXNPy3wmg?e=K0yO0O

 Discussion topics







Clarifications on the roles of Mojaloop in a bulk payments Ecosystem

Paul Makin

Clarified the following about Mojaloop and the account mapper

  • MojaLoop serves as a clearing and settlement service and balances the risk between different financial institutions and does

  • Payment instruction is passed to MojaLoop when a payment is made from one institution to another.

  • MojaLoop handles the three phases of discovery, agreement, and transfer.

    • Discovery involves finding the destination account.

    • Agreement includes agreeing on the terms of the transfer, including fees.

    • Transfer confirms the transfer between the two institutions.

    • Settlement involves all participating institutions having some form of liquidity lodged in an agreed institution.

    • MojaLoop handles the transfer of funds in settlement of liabilities between institutions.

  • MojaLoop only accepts payment instructions from financial institutions, not external institutions like open G2P.

  • The Oracle translates between an alias and a destination institution.

  • End-to-end connection between core banking systems is crucial for transaction guarantee.

  • Account Mapper allows mapping of ID to FSP, and MIFOS can add management functionality for transactions.

  • Account details are not published in Oracle, only mapping between alias and account holding institution.

  • There is a support and alternate version where the mapping DFS P2 account number mapping is maintained in a central infrastructure.


  • Pointed out that the initial diagrams around payment building block could have caused the confusion - but they will be revised.

  • Payment hub will be dissected internally into more components

  • Updated specs being worked on

  • Account mapper may not need to keep account number, can keep functional ID and alias mapping.


@Soban Najam

  • Account Mapper is responsible for handling beneficiaries and voucher-based payments, and it requires diverse functionality.

  • Oracle is only used for alias resolution requirements, and account details are not published for security reasons.

  • The primary focus for bulk disbursement is conforming with G2P Connect, with deviations being looked at for conformity.

  • MIFOS will lead in areas like vouchers, with their own specs being developed from scratch.

 Action items

@Karim Update the slides and the payments BB diagrams to clarify any confusion that was perceived during the presentations.
@karim.jindani to share the updated diagrams.


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