2023-05-26 Meeting notes

2023-05-26 Meeting notes


May 26, 2023


  • @Kibuuka, Arnold

  • @Ingmar Vali

  • @Soban Najam


  • Account Mapper Document Revision beneficiary account details onboarding

  • Functional ID Clarifications:

 Discussion topics





Account Mapper Document Revision:

  • Arnold mentioned the Account Mapper document presented in the previous meeting was taken back to the group for review, specifically by the registry and the Tech Committee. Some changes were made to how payment details get into the Account Mapper.

  • Clarifications and Corrections: Certain things needed to be corrected in the Account Mapper document, including:

    • Interaction with the Registration building block as opposed to the registry. This change needs to be reflected especially in the diagrams in the document.

    • Discussion around how information gets registered into the Account Mapper.

  • Soban described how the payment building block can have an interface that opens up to a secure page.

  • Ingmar proposed an option where the registration building block can function as a user interface, calling other services controlled by different authorities using similar systems but different instances.. This approach could work by invoking an API, terminating the session, or getting a successful response, eliminating the need to store information.

Functional ID Clarifications:

Ingmar questioned if the Functional ID was composed of different data, which was confirmed by Soban. Discussion followed on the source of the Functional ID and whether the Registration building block or another block like the Identity building block generates it.

  • The functional ID is something the user cannot provide, so they need to figure out how to generate and pass it to the secure payment page. This functional ID will then be used to map the account.

  • The functional ID, according to Soban’s understanding, consists of three things: the foundational ID, the agency identifier that's running the program, and the program ID. However, they suggest getting the party responsible for creating the functional ID on board to ensure understanding and consistency.

  • Ingmar Vali indicates that the foundational ID is obtained from the user, while the government and program IDs would be predefined in the system or agreed upon with the payment building block.


 Action items

Document Revision: Revise the Account Mapper document to reflect the clarified points regarding the interaction with the Registration building block and the registry, and how information gets registered into the Account Mapper.
Functional ID Generation: Further discussion and clarification on the source and generation of the Functional ID is needed to clarify the process.
Soban's assumptions about the payments process and the Functional ID need to be confirmed or revised as necessary.


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