2023-04-14 Meeting notes - payments building block

2023-04-14 Meeting notes - payments building block


Apr 14, 2023


  • @Kibuuka, Arnold

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @Soban Najam

  • @Oscar Correia

  • @Christophe

  • @Avik Ganguly

  • @Achim Blume


 Discussion topics





@Soban Najam

  • Discussed voucher creation process, states, source building blocks, lifecycle, activation process, API invocation, and flag for provisioning.

  • Addressed concerns and clarified various processes.

  • Discussed voucher activation interface, role of provisioning in preactivation, and differences between beneficiary APIs.

@Oscar Correia

  • Addressed concerns of fraud that motivated the need for the voucher preactivation and agreed on voucher activation.

  • Discussed batch file process and suggested modifying the specs and clarified on the relationship between provisioning and preactivation.

  • Raised a query about an API for the voucher states.

@Mauree, Venkatesen

  • discussed voucher document timeline, and expressed the need to review APIs and yaml files - proposed after this feedback they might be one round of reviews.

  • Asked for more clarification in the document on tokenization in the account mapper, mapper security, and the length of fields for functional ID and program ID.

  • Requested for separate documents for architecture and payment portal functionalities.

David Higgins

  • Agreed on clarifying components needed for deployment, explained story covering recipes and playbooks, and confirmed nonfunctional requirements are covered in stories.

  • Asked about the timeline for finalizing the voucher document.

 Action items

  1. @Soban Najam

    • share API yaml files with Vijay.

    • Discuss data encryption on all fields with Avik and update the document accordingly.

    • Address the gap in the documentation regarding modality and bulk disbursements.

    • Review APIs and yaml files for the voucher document.

    • Clarify components needed to deploy the payment hub for the sandbox team.

  2. @Oscar Correia

    • Work on combining the pre-activation and activation steps for direct beneficiary sending in the BB specs.

  3. @Kibuuka, Arnold

    • Validate the specifications for numeric values, such as functional ID and program ID from the Identity BB.

  4. David Higgins:

    • Ensure nonfunctional requirements, such as tokenization and handshake between platforms, are covered in stories.

    • Coordinate efforts on clarifying components needed for deployment and address the story covering recipes and playbooks.


  5.  Decisions

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