2023-01-09 Technical implementation meeting - Review of the Paymentds BB use cases.


Jan 9, 2023


  • @Kibuuka, Arnold

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @Godfrey Kutumela

  • @Ed Cable

  • @karim.jindani

  • @Soban Najam


  • @Wes Brown

  • @Oscar Correia

  • @Avik Ganguly

  • @Vikash Madduri

  • @Oscar Correia

Meeting recording: GovtStack - Payments BB & G2P Use Cases Discussion Follow up call with MiFOS-20230109_180033-Meeting Recording.mp4


  • Presentation of the payments BB use cases and the flows.

 Discussion topics







G2P use cases

@Mauree, Venkatesen

  • Vijay presented the G2P flows.

  • The sandbox environement and the TSA are not part of the sandbox but the responses from these components will be simulated.

MIFOS clarifications on the Payments BB use cases.


  • Presented the terms used and the definitions (clearing, settlement, TSA, Payment Switch, RTGS)

  • Karim pointed out the following assumptons:

    • The target country has a payment switch with some level of interoperability.

    • The government in the target country operates a Treasury Single Account (TSA).

    • The country has an RTGS system and settlements take place finally in the RTGS system.

    • Any registry containing the mapping between beneficiary ID and account numbers is part of another building block.

    • Any workflow prior to processing the payments is managed outside the payments building block.

    • The input to the payments building block will be a set of payment instructions which may or may not include a beneficiary account.

  • @Vijay pointed out that the beneficiary ID to the destination account mapping is done by the account mapper.

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen pointed out there also needs to be a portal that citzens can use to make payments to the government.

  • It was agreed that the modality for the payment is mantained in case final payment to the accont is not made through that modality then the payment is failed rathe than being sen as a voucher.

  • @karim.jindani explained the steps of preprocessing, processing, and post processing, and how they may or may not occur within the payment building block. He discussed the possibility of verifying destination accounts and dealing with inactive accounts during the preprocessing step. - it was agreed that all prepoccessing happens within the payments BB.

 Action items

  1. P2G use cases to be discussed in the next call


  1. MIFOs to review and update the document based on the clarifications.