2023-06-26 Governance Committee Meeting

Jun 26, 2023

This page describes the GovStack Governance Committee meeting notes. We use this meeting page to both run the meeting and keep notes, actions and decisions.

To avoid long meeting where the current status of each report is read out, we ask all participants to read the links below before the meeting, add only major question / priority discussion they may have to be raised in the meeting. This will focus the meeting upon context-setting and assessing scenario as a group and enough time for discussion that will result in joint decisions and actions needed for greatest impact.


ITU: @Shukla, Ayush @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) @PSRAMKUMAR

GIZ: @Andrea Donath @Nora Hauptmann

DIAL: @Janie Hayes @Jake Watson @Wes Brown @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) @Esther Ogunjimi @Sherman Kong

EE: @nele.leosk  @Margus Mägi

0. Celebrate





 CoP Gender


Amazing session with CoP (white paper to follow)

1. GovStack Roadmap

May2023JunJulAugSepOctNovDec2023Q3 Pub1.0 Pub

Wave 3 Initial Publication

Wave 1 & 2 Updates

Sandbox && BB Development (IM, Payment, ID, IM)

Research Strategy

Women in GovStack

eCab, Const P, CMS, Open Call for DPGs, KCMS Hack

Playbook, Website

S9.3 EPR - DPG Selection

TODO: @Wes Brown to work with all on whether the goals originally on the roadmap are still our goals?

Please provide events which should be added to the roadmap along with any high-level workstream timelines that would be helpful on this roadmap

  • Name (Date), Description

  • For example:

  • 23Q3 Publication (Mid-September), The next GovStack publication

2. Priority Discussions





Review Action Items


GovSpec Management

Next Step after previous discussion was to form a group to create a proposed working plan. Currently have just three people (thanks Rachel and Cora!) but it would be helpful to have each partner represented.


v2 of SDG Digital Investment Framework

(fixed the sharing on this page)


  • Rename to ‘GovStack Framework’?

    • Are there country case studies &/or research you want to include from your org?

  • Can we add in “howto take a use-case and break it down to systems? And use the playbook”

Questions from ITU

Why creating a different document rather than complementing the GovStack implementation playbook with elements of the propose outline? Like the DPI section. The rest of the elements in the propose outline are included in the playbook and can be complemented with content as implementation in countries moves forward. The design principle of the implementation playbook is to co-design content as implementation progress in countries.

  • @Margus Mägi : Why should have alignment on what these types of documents (Digital Investment Framework, GERA, etc) and clarity on what the focus for each is supposed to be. How do they complement each other

  • @Jake Watson : Surprised to see that the GERA document was published

  • Rachel: Does the playbook need to have versioned releases?

    • Yolanda: It is always updated with the current implementation

We are currently in the process of documenting service blueprints, RFP for open calls, as we move forward with uses cases, the section on systems implementation shall be documented.

We propose being consistent with our current tooling - like the implementation playbook rather than creating a different document.


1.0 Publication After Action Review

@Margus Mägi volunteered for this (thanks!) - Where are we on this?

Poland Conference July 14th

Concept note for comments available here


Confirm partners participants at GC

Please leave comments on the concept note by Friday June 30th 2023

ALL to read the concept note

Open call for DPGs open for comments here


Kindly leave your comments by Monday Monday 3rd July


Leverist form


Construction Permits

Andrea: We need to have a way to interact with potential private partners/products. Can we create a small team to manage this?

Jake: We have heard that GovStack is viewed as an “exclusive club”, connecting more with more organizations/private sector would help with this

TAC meeting - decision for W3 BB specs

In view of the September deadline and given most of the contracts will expire in this/next month, we need to decide the following-

Do we need the TAC review before we publish it? If so it looks like TAC reviews will start by Mid-Aug and planning has to start now, keeping in view that people are busy and will take time to respond, review and feedback. 

Yolanda: What if have an open call for a period of time, while an internal review within TC + Proof reading by other team members happens. An open call allows for the community to be aware that a new release is comming and get engaged as part of the process.   

Wes: I think that an external TAC review is not required for the September publication (the 23Q3 publication) but I do think that an internal review by the Architecture team does need to be done. While I do think that we should have an external TAC review for Waves 1-3 after September, I suggest that we also revise the TAC review process to ensure the utility of the feedback we get

Potential Decision: Internal technical review prior to publication and open external review after

This will be voted on during the next Strategic Governance Committee

Other topics?

(from Jake): Pre-read and Comment (if possible): GovStack Messaging.docx – useful as we build out our USPs for the various products and start to think about fundraising.


ALL Provide feedback on Poland Conference Concept Note by Friday, June 30
ALL Provide feedback on HOA DPG TORs (eCabinet, Construction Permit) by Monday July 3rd
ALL Provide feedback on the GovStack Messaging document by Friday July 7th
ALL to read the documents
@Wes Brown to reshare the document
@Jake Watson to advise who will be participating in the regional meetings for country engagement (beyond HOA engagement)
@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) & @Nora Hauptmann to work on a unified list of regions for future coworking
@Nora Hauptmann & @Nico Lueck to define what we mean by Partnership Team​ and propose whether we should have a team
@Nico Lueck to follow up on any outstanding questions, migrate the teams to confluence and work with the leads to bring the canvases up to date
@Nora Hauptmann to reply with possible panelists for the Poland Panel
@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) to distribute a concept note on the panel
AAR on the GERA document and process for publication (who?)
@Wes Brown In two weeks, review the Digitial Investment Framework proposed updates
@Margus Mägi Set up AAR for 1.0 publication process
@Nora Hauptmann to set up private sector engagement/partnership team

3. GovStack Teams






Tech Committee

Tech Committee Kanban Board:

Product Committee

Voted on GovStack publication naming: 23Q3 (future publications would then be something like 24Q2, 25Q1, 25Q4, etc)

Use Case Sector Survey - Please fill it out and share in your networks








Is this section needed in this meeting?



Fall priority Events comming up:

Tallin Digital Summit

Digital Government Africa 4-6 October 2023 Zambia

SDG Digital Day -17 September

IGF - 8-12 October

Anything planned? Details to be discussed in Comms Huddle

Community Building

Gender CoP

Successful first Gender CoP roundtable, now compiling learnings for whitepaper.

Collaboration & Country Engagement




Ministry of Digital Transformation indiated to USAid, that they are not yet ready to think about making Diia an open source DPG until the end of the year. We are in touch with USAid and still aim to align on Platform of registires.


Senegal Government and SENUM (digitization agency) are interested in adapting a GovStack approach. GIZ digital team and country office secured funding for deep dive workshop in Dakar in August/ September. GIZ will reach out to compile agenda and team for a deep dive workshop. Please indicate if you would like to be part of the planning process




