2022-07-04 Governance Committee Meeting


  • @Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Fischer

  • @Sherman Kong (Unlicensed)

  • @Martha Mundas

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Shukla, Ayush

  • @Esther Ogunjimi

  • Niharika Gujela


Meeting Chair - @Sherman Kong (Unlicensed)







Welcome / Goodbye

@Sarah Fischer

Niharika Gujela will be taking over from Nino Kvaratskheliia.



Workshop with Djibouti /Kenya will commence this week - this will feed into the HoA stream

Main reflection / individual highlight on GovStack Workshop in Berlin

All attendees

  • Sign off of the charter and kudos to @Nora Hauptmann for facilitating the session.

  • It is important to know what the priorities are for the next half of 2022 and channel all needed resources.

  • The workstreams are intertwined - there are dependencies between the development of the BB, Sandbox and country engagement.

  • There must be alignment and effective communication among the workstreams.

  • The BB Leads and the country engagement team did great and the session was demonstrated in relatable way. It will be great to have an update session with the BB Leads and the country engagement team every 5 months or depending on when their is an update. The team is growing fast and the meeting will foster bond, motivation and commitments to big picture and align expectations. Suggestion to have a townhall meeting once a month to share where we are with different workstreams.

  • All the sessions clarified that there are more work to be done.

  • Country Implementation moved forward as strong collaboration was established with the technical team

  • The team must be integrated, share the same value and move forward as a global team.

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) session helped people to synchronize what the core principles are and how they should work moving forward. This will be open so everyone understands where their pieces fits.

Technical Workstream Synthesis

@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

Other attendees contributed

  • The technical team was able to revise in detail the workplan for version 2 of the BB within Wave1 - to understand what is required to make the specs implementable.

  • Testing requires more work, APIs etc.

  • Tendering is progressing well.

  • Software components of IM, eRegistry, digital identity and payment, there is capability within the team to evaluate the proposal, set up the sandbox architecture and set up the integration required.

  • Registry tendering is parked to ensure all APIs are reviewed and are included in the tendering process.

  • All activities will be set up according to the proposed Jira structure and will be reviewed every two weeks.

  • Task review for incoming Wave2 release technical spec Jul 11, 2022.

  • Licensing questions and revisions will have the first and second wave comments.

  • Coordination across technical working group will change - all meetings (architecture call, use case call, internal team weekly calls) will be collapsed into a weekly standup. To review WiP, architecture integration and development of use cases. There is plan to develop process to put the tech spec to practice in sandbox and documentation of the use cases catalogue.

Overall Engagement Playbook Synthesis

@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

Other attendees contributed

  • Ingrid summary email will be the task that will be moved forward with Sep 14, 2022 timeline. The first country engagement playbook will be structured into three focus areas:

  • Governance - the objective is to understand the countries digital maturity, priorities, where they are -as regards digital service design, set ups, skills, enabling environment. How will the term GovStack be explained and the benefits of the BB approach? How to determine and structure the readiness assessment instrument and methods?

  • Questionnaires will be developed to target and assess the readiness of the countries with digital service, design and delivery.

  • Countries roadmap, user journey, team set up and the level of digitalization in government services will be assessed.

  • Benefit template will be drafted to measure impact before commencing collaboration. This will take place after MVP and the first pilot of designing BB approach.

  • Understanding of the legal and political framework will be factored in, ICT policy, IT governance within the country, mapping existing digital platforms and international cooperation will be taking into cognizance and leveraged on to have a standardized approach.

  • Digital capabilities and principles - working on general design principle to compliment the digital development principles already in place.

  • Check if the countries have mapped out live events, user journeys and entrepreneurs journeys and have templates.

  • Determine the cost implications to deliver services online and in government facilities.

  • Check if the government have key enablers for digital identity.

  • Capacity building along the user journey. As the mandate, digital service design, digital skill, technical skills and architecture maturity are identified, the aim is analyze the types of capabilities that will be required for each relevant stakeholders in the local ecosystem.

  • Country engagement will be a continuous iteration as we implement.

  • The workstreams will meet every Wednesday to share progress and feedbacks. This is to coordinate the group, to create and share content. The meeting is open to all.

  • The experience of gov.uk digital service shared by the head of design of e-gov foundation was very useful. This has given insight into practice on how to move forward with the country engagement.

  • The secretary of digital transformation team of the digital service of Peru will be joining the country engagement calls every Wednesday.

  • More countries are invited to join the technical WG.

  • The importance of engaging with the countries at the initial phase was reiterated to identify what the needs are before determining the services that will be offered.

  • Capacity strengthening for countries needs to be tailored, practical and not just survey - to understand at the initial engagement the capacities that are available (to identify the skills gap), and capacities required to implement etc.,.

IDGC Synthesis

@Sherman Kong (Unlicensed)

Other attendees contributed

  • Partners agreed on the different delivery streams during the HoA session at the workshop in Berlin. Estonia will be looking at the strategic assessment profile, they’ve done that in Kenya. There is also an email that was circulated for comments on how Djibouti and Somalia profiling approach will be carried out. Then EGA will carry on with the assessment.

  • Service delivery design on the ITU side and the dependencies between the profiling was also touched on.

  • The complex personnel structure map presented by @Siri will involve a lot of stakeholders at the strategic level and a way must be mapped out on how to engage the touch points. (i.e. jointly and efficiently engaging with the touch points).

  • Stakeholder awareness - there are some personnel change that needs to be taken into consideration and the secretariat has been relocated to Kenya.

  • Co-design session for Djibouti and Kenya will take place from Jul 6, 2022 to Jul 7, 2022.

  • Ensure the approach for engagement agrees with the country standard. Understanding the services within the user journey or business journey that is prioritized by the country to engage with GovStack. This is important when carrying out the readiness assessment.

  • There are political dynamics that need to be factored in when engaging with individual countries.



  • GC meeting to continue as planned even though some people might not be available due to planned holidays and as long as there is at least a representative from each partner organization (either the deputy or any one delegated) are available to attend. Open calendar or doc to fill out our holidays if possible.

  • Having strategic call once a month for key decision makers from each partner organization.


Action Item







Connect @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) with GIZ IT team to follow up as regards the use of the platforms - to have a better understanding of the tools we can use and the requirement

@Moritz Fromageot

Jul 11, 2022

Collate all the overviews of the Berlin sessions so that they can be presented next Monday and then accessible for all

Nino Kvaratskheliia @Esther Ogunjimi

Jul 4, 2022

Review outputs from the Berlin workshop at the next GC meeting 11.07.2022 and identify the next steps and capture them on Jira

Meeting Facilitator

Jul 11, 2022

Task review for incoming Wave2 release technical spec

@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

Jul 11, 2022

First draft of the governance workstream

@Martha Mundas - Lead

@Siri @Maksym @Andres @Sherman Kong (Unlicensed) @Moritz Fromageot @Steve Conrad @Stadnic, Valentina

Aug 17, 2022

Digital service design

@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed) - Lead

@Maksym @Concorde @Omkar @Ramkumar @Nora Hauptmann @Riham

Sep 7, 2022

@Ingrid - Lead

@Jake Watson @Brenda @Neil @Vikash

Sep 23, 2022

@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

Sep 14, 2022

@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

Sep 14, 2022

@Jake Watson @Ramkumar

Jul 18, 2022

@Sherman Kong (Unlicensed)

Jul 5, 2022





(include @Nora Hauptmann for GIZ)



@Sarah Fischer

Jul 22, 2022

