Initial Introduction to the Sandbox

Initial Introduction to the Sandbox

Follow the guide in case you present the Sandbox to people with little to no knowledge of GovStack. However, introducing them to the basic idea and terminology is needed beforehand.





Start at https://www.govstack.global/

Talking Points:

  1. GovSpecs is the conceptual base

  2. GovTest is one possible implementation of GovSpecs with the tools for Digital Teams to learn, test and recreate this implementation

  3. User centric design of the hands-on toolset let to two products:

    1. For Non-tech savvy users → Use Case Simulation

    2. For Tech Teams (UX designer, architects, developer) → Sandbox


Continue with https://www.govstack.global/our-offerings/govspecs/simulation/

  • The intro page gives context information (e.g. on use case)

Click on “Open Simulation”

Talking Points

  1. The Use Case simulation explains the GovStack Building Block approach in a non-tech tangible way even though the magic lies in the backend/architecture

  2. The artificial browser window simulates the civil servant and citizen perspective on a Social Cash Transfer use case

  3. In this case, the civil servant gets to review a candidate and ask for information validation in order to decide eligibility

  4. After changing perspective, the citizen (green color) is asked to validate information and submit eligibility review

  5. Side-bar on the right tells us which BB are being used

  6. Green buttons open how BB are interacting

  7. Info buttons next to the BB open further descriptions

  8. Encourage listeners to do it themselves!


Continue with Enter the Sandbox | sandbox

Talking Points

Scroll to “Value Proposition”

  1. The Sandbox offers technical teams from Governments to learn, test and replicate a GovStack-based implementation

    1. Learn based on the Demos, Code and Documentation how one can implement based on the GovSpecs and GovStack Playbook

    2. Test and Prototype an own use case based on the Guides, Examples and Coded Applications

    3. Replicate selected or all components based on application and Building Block Software repositories

Point to the different menu sections

  1. Use cases demonstrate certain aspects of the GovStack approach

    1. Social Cash Transfer: Vertical implementation through the whole stack from Frontend over BB to Infrastructure with 5 BB Software (3 DPI and 2 DPGs) integrated

    2. Construction Permit: In cooperation with Government of Djibouti an end-to-end use case focused on best practice service design and accessibility (mobile-first)

  2. Methodology section for supporting assets

    1. Do It Yourself: Guides to prototype a use case in various ways (depth of the stack)

    2. Service Design Practice: Example on how to follow the GovStack Playbook from User Journey to Frontend App (outcome is the Construction Permit Demo)

  3. Explore stack to know, how the sandbox is build (esp. Social Cash Transfer Use Case)

    1. Every page is describing a layer: How we build it, where we demo it and what decisions we took

    2. Every layer has the respective Github Repositories linked to review the code



Continue with Social Cash Transfer - Tech Demo | sandbox

Talking Points

  1. Use case used to create a technical demo of whole stack from Frontend over BB to Infrastructure with 5 BB Software (3 DPI and 2 DPGs) integrated

Scroll down the page

  1. Unconditional Social Cash Transfer (USCT) programs are cash payments provided to financially disadvantaged or vulnerable people or households

  2. GovStack features demonstrated are example implementation of BB Specs, Interoperable and adapted Open Source Software, Architectural Best Practices, Hosting Infrastructure

  3. Frontend (view of government officers) can be accessed publicly. Backend of all Building Blocks cannot only be shown by GovStack staff due to security issues.

  4. Components used for the demo are visualized and listed at the bottom. More information on the components can be found in the menu under “Explore Stack”


Demonstrate Social Cash Transfer - Tech Demo | sandbox

Click on the Square Box “Social Cash Transfer Frontend” and follow the click instructions/walk through.

You may use the architecture diagram from same page and the sequence diagram from the Github page to visualize the functioning in a split screen.

Also consider showing User Interfaces of the Building Blocks. All UIs are listed on this page: User Interfaces for Presentation Purposes


Continue with https://govstack.gitbook.io/sandbox/access-demos/construction-permit-use-case


Continue with https://govstack.gitbook.io/sandbox/follow-methodology/diy


Continue with https://govstack.gitbook.io/sandbox/explore-stack/building-blocks

To show the different procured BB Software. Each BB Software will get an own page, soon.



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