Common BB API endpoint design guidelines
This draft was presented to the TC at a meeting for inspirational input.
(original text copied from a Google Presentation)
The root path for GovStack API
<base URL>
Building Block
<base URL>/ ⇒
<base URL>/ ⇒
All APIs are classified into categories (nouns) - Our proposal is to add 4 well-known nouns: service, config, audit and notification
<base URL>/<category>
- General format<base URL>/service/
- Publicly available service for any application<base URL>/config/
- Restricted by the network layer<base URL>/audit/
- Restricted by the network layer
Each category may have an optional subcategory. E.g. Configurations/Policy
<base URL>/<category>/<sub-category>
<base URL>/config/policy/
<base URL>/config/agreement/
Method name will specify the action (CRUDL operations)
POST <base URL>/config/agreement/
GET <base URL>/config/agreement/{agreement-id}
PUT <base URL>/config/agreement/
DELETE <base URL>/config/agreement/
GET <base URL>/config/agreements/
Proposed Endpoint Structure:
<base URL>/<category>/<sub-category>/<artifact>
CRUDL Operations:
Consent BB Operations: (Proposed Endpoint Structure (Consent BB))