2023-10-11 COMS

2023-10-11 COMS


October 11


  • @Margus Mägi @Shukla, Ayush @Cora Bay @Farina Owusu @Arielle Diamond



 Discussion topics

Agenda points to be discussed

Agenda point added by



Agenda points to be discussed

Agenda point added by



Editorial calendar






Review calendar

DPGA event is the next major one

  • plan to release a new DPGA report

  • Margus voiced concern around the selection of DPGs at the end of the report. Need to understand what is the correlation?

GovSpecs release



  • What do we want to plan?

  • 11 use cases and 3-4 bbs (infrastructure, digital signature, eMarketplace, GIS); UI/UX guidelines

  • No date for release as of now

  • Post release - review published BBs for “use case” overlap - decoupling of certain BBs

  • Infrastructure convo re: digital sovereignty and where govts should keep their data

  • Comms will keep a close eye on Product Committee so we know when we are closer to launch and what will be included

Women in GovTech



  • What are the next steps?

  • 8 week challenge, 1 topic per week (6 nov -

  • last week is use case presentations from participants - select few will be invited to WSIS to present service design proposal

  • Comms plan:

    • Coverage of 8 weeks live event style

    • Video montage from participant videos

GovExchange web convo update



Proposed new language for short-term - please review.


Naming discussion.

2023 Year in Review



  • How will we start gathering input from across the initiative?

  • Last year we posted a blog and made social media graphics with the stats. Are we happy with that approach again this year?

GovStack emails



  • Instructions sent for creating govstack emails for access to Twitter and future MailChimp

    • Can we confirm who has successfully made an email?

      • Cora and Margus will check

      • Ayush is having issues





GovExchange quick changes




  • Remove GovStack from the carousel: In the image we state that all the offerings on the exchange are from GovStack, thats not the case.

  • ID specs, no link to the GitBook Specs.




ITU signing MOU with Kazakhstan - posting this as a GovStack initiative with MOU is misleading. Margus will have to deal with countries wanting an MOU w/ GovStack.

Communications – bigger convo needs to happen about how we talk about country engagements that are happening with just one partner

Cora, Nora, Sarah will have a draft for us to review in the next 2 weeks

For now, move it to NEWS not Global Showcase for now and add first line “This is an ITU initiative”

 Action items

Action Items

Responsable party


Action Items

Responsable party


Make sure we have comms representation in the Product Committee each week

@Margus Mägi @Farina Owusu @Shukla, Ayush


Building block social campaign

@Arielle Diamond to split work amongst the rest of the group

on a rolling basis

Review GovExchange language linked above

@Margus Mägi @Farina Owusu @Cora Bay @Shukla, Ayush

October 13

ITU Kazak page changes + discuss with Yolanda

@Shukla, Ayush


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