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Include 3 Key messages for each event in the event tracker
Hans to make note of Nele’s talking points at eGov Conference, so we can use as a key message talking point for the new strategic vision re: broader EU alignment
Let’s all make an internal push and reminder that we have a Messaging Document people can use
Arielle and Nora to meet on this for Events 2024
Website needs
Arielle. Ayush
iframe a mind map (Cora) that is being developed for GIZ on our website
Potentially using for Events calendar
Arielle will chat with UNF and push for going the plug-in route
Arielle to push for Farina’s access
confirming we are ready to delete the duplicated page?
yes - delete.
Presentation with all icons in a usable format - Ayush?
Ayush to try to convert the files from .ai for more reusable format - end of next week.
Social Media
create comms benchmarking (how many interactions on LinkedIn are our goal, what should be our comms focus for the next months) - Arielle?
Social analytics - let’s review in next comms huddle (AD)
Search on the website: link compliance site to website, so it can be found through the search
Arielle to dig into back end to check Search function is working properly
remove default logos
Does it work with tags?
add compliance to GovTest page and feature elsewhere?
Account handover
Canva - this is a paid Digi Comms account
Mailchimp Account
GIZ cannot take this over (paying the credit card)
ITU to take over account - Ayush will check with Hani
Arielle to download the audience list to Sharepoint
Arielle to check the log-in credentials are listed in the document
Country feedback
To ask Arielle template for regional coordinators country implementation
Dig through meeting notes to try to find an existing template?