2023-04-19 COMS

2023-04-19 COMS


Nov 9, 2022





 Discussion topics

Agenda points to be discussed

Agenda point added by




Agenda points to be discussed

Agenda point added by




Women in GovTech


@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)


  • Concept note

Upcoming events

@Janie Hayes


  • GovTech Summit - recap?

  • egovernance conference

  • Transform Africa

    • Women in GovTech

    • Digital Leaders Exchange (DPI) session


Blog content for website (country focus, lessons learned)

@Shukla, Ayush




 Action items

Action Items

Responsible party


Action Items

Responsible party


Take strategic program questions forward for Women in Tech

@Troein, Caroline

Nov 14, 2022

Caroline coordinate on WiT launch comms

@Troein, Caroline


Janie/Margus to follow up on communications materials needed for egovernance conf

@Janie Hayes @Margus Mägi

Last year text on website:
Join the GovStack team during this workshop and work in teams to design government services using a building block approach. 

You will learn how to do a user journey and architect a solution using reusable software components/building blocks (BB) from GovStack Global - like digital identity and verification, interoperability, digital signature, payments, information consent, among others - to accelerate the digitization of government services. 

This approach saves time, allows digital teams to reach scale by using the same component in many digital services, and lets time to focus on understanding user needs. 

Would you like to prepare for this experience? Please review our first release of the technical specifications BB

We look forward to collaborating with you!



In newsletter:


GovStack is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on accelerating the digital transformation of government services. Our vision is that in five years, we can empower governments to take ownership of their digital futures by building more effective and cost-efficient digital government services. 



Slide/social media plan for TA with GIZ

@Nora Hauptmann @Cora Bay


Propose blog ideas internally to further develop approach

@Shukla, Ayush @Troein, Caroline


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