Tech Committee & Architecture Team Future Topics
Topics to be prioritized and addressed by the architecture team:
Provisioning users across multiple BBs. Related to auth conversation.
How do we handle domains where there are multiple standards/protocols? Can we articulate tradeoffs and support multiple? How do adaptors fit in? May be country-specific data or standards…
SSO vs. central portal - can we provide guidance for both?
Define a standard set of APIs that are needed for any BB to indicate that they are running, configured and ready to use in the sandbox (or test harness). Do we need a BB registry?
Decoupling BBs into smaller pieces, as well as talking about an approach for existing products which span multiple BBs
How to articulate the different levels/scopes of building blocks - foundational/DPI, functional, and possibly application (things like eMarketplace). This should be clearly articulated in GovStack documentation. Also articulate how service blocks fit in to this paradigm.
Identify BBs that are missing/needed and develop plan to address those new BBs - get feedback from Egypt and Kenya meetings
Questions about IM from Egypt deep dive
Exchanging large amounts of data through IM (MRIs, etc)
Real-time streaming
Taylor: we'd likely need to find some experts on open-source video chat apps, see how Self-Hosting Guide - Debian/Ubuntu server | Jitsi Meet fits into the IM, and ALSO talk about things like email clients and servers
Defining user personas and journeys - outputs would be overall messaging, providing high-level guidance. How does GovStack work to deliver value.
Providing guidance on specific questions coming from country engagement
Example implementations - having BB groups work on them.