2024-01-05 - Weekly Update
About this document: Agenda and notes are kept in the same document, a separate copy of the document is maintained for each meeting. Please add agenda points before the meeting. Action items created in previous meeting and all other unresolved action items are kept in the document. Please tick off any completed items.
Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/rsf-cqaq-eyq ordinary starting time at 07:45 UTC / 09:45 CET / 13:15 IST
@Ain Aaviksoo (meeting facilitator)
@Benjamin Balder Bach (note keeper)
@Lal Chandran (out)
@Philippe Page (out)
@George J Padayatti
Meeting Notes
This meeting was the first of the year, so we exercised our memories to get back to where we left off. There are notes below from agenda items that we discussed ad-hoc.
Agenda | Presenter | Discussion |
Kanban board + Action points from last week | skipped |
General update (5 min) | skipped |
Update from iGrant |
| Sandbox integration WP3 is ongoing, and the Sandbox integration is ready. Test compliance is being worked on now, too. |
UI/UX and specification |
| Ain brought up the DDX Consent BB’s specification, in order to talk about a review of Govstack UX specification vs. DDX UX. |
Action items |
| We have been discussion consent definition and alignment with the DDX solution in terms of:
Offline consent | in preparation for next meeting | Notes from this meeting:
To summarize this, we believe that it’s possible to include “on-demand” consent by describing how an application can use the Consent BB for this scenario. This can be a section in the specification. [immediately after the meeting, this has been captured as a candidate for the FAQ section] We’ll continue this discussion in the next meeting to cover other aspects of offline consent that are relevant to our immediate roadmap. Note from original meeting: We had to postpone this. Note that we’re trying to figure out a terminology here. “On-demand” consent was used to emphasize the risks of this kind of thinking, but “offline consent” will help us capture the broader nature. Everyone is encouraged to think about terminology |
UI/UX feature in DDX Spec |
| Should we add this to Consent BB spec too? |
Consent delegation | skipped |
Review necessary Gherkin scenarios to implement | @Benjamin Balder Bach Skipped | CON-15: Create test configuration for Consent Configuration APIsIn Progress |
Spec 2.0: Unfolding new roadmap items | Skipped |
New issues | @sasi parked for future meeting |
Discussion: How shall we address such matters, which do not fit into specification format? |
New Action Items
Action Items from previous meetings