2023-10-27 - Weekly Update

About this document: Agenda and notes are kept in the same document, a separate copy of the document is maintained for each meeting. Please add agenda points before the meeting. Action items created in previous meeting and all other unresolved action items are kept in the document. Please tick off any completed items.

Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/rsf-cqaq-eyq ordinary starting time at 07:45 UTC / 09:45 CET / 13:15 IST


  • @Ain Aaviksoo (meeting facilitator)

  • @Benjamin Balder Bach (note keeper)

  • @Lal Chandran

  • @PSRAMKUMAR (out)

  • @Philippe Page

  • @George J Padayatti (out)

Meeting Notes







Kanban board + Action points from last week

@Ain Aaviksoo


General update (5 min)

@Ain Aaviksoo

Ain shared that capturing a summary of what the Consent BB is doing and where it’s going would work well with on-going discussions.

We talked about writing a blog post as well, which has been mentioned on several occasions: To capture why the specification work that took place in the Consent BB is highly relevant and might be unique at the moment.

Coordination between testing team and DDX team


Important to differentiate between “release” and “main” branch. Testing team needs to find the latest version of the API in the “main” branch.

Ain will reach out to the testing team to coordinate.

Target API delivery to main branch for the missing ones: 8-Nov

8-15 November, the WG and DDX members can fine-tune all descriptions of API schemas, fields and endpoints.

15th of November is an important date, from where-on the testing team should be able to implement verification and compliance tests on their own.

Whether or not the testing team will write Gherkin scenarios can be discussed further.

Notes from this weeks meetings


No meeting with sandbox team, a meeting should take place soon-ish, next week is good.

Other notes


Ain cannot make it for next Friday, the meeting is rescheduled for Friday 2 PM CET.










Consent delegation


Review necessary Gherkin scenarios to implement

@Benjamin Balder Bach Skipped


Spec 2.0: Unfolding new roadmap items



New issues


parked for future meeting

  • What do we expect other BBs that call Consent-BB to store?

  • When do we like to use Consent-BB and when do we not expect this? (This should also be know to the auditor.)

Discussion: How shall we address such matters, which do not fit into specification format?

New Action Items

@Ain Aaviksoo coordinate with testing team re: DDX and API tests
@Ain Aaviksoo setup a meeting around 9 november
@Ain Aaviksoo confirm first DDX deliverable
@Ain Aaviksoo will reschedule next week’s Friday meeting to 2PM CET
@Benjamin Balder Bach solve a million Jira issues and do not let Ain have all action items alone

Action Items from previous meetings

@Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) consider if the decision to have “external ID” and “external ID type” referencing Individuals is relevant for the Key Desicion Log (if it’s not already there)
@Philippe Page will finish the initial descriptions and commit himself to the ones he feels appropriate
@Benjamin Balder Bach Prepare fixtures review for Lal
@Benjamin Balder Bach Finish translating SolDevelo’s review into issues (added after-the-fact)
@Ain Aaviksoo will coordinate with Sandbox team - note that Lal is requesting and end2end use case.



  1. Everything in the “main” branch is considered stable and can be depended on by DDX and testing team. Meaning that nothing to be considered premature or draft-like is added to APIs moving forward.