2022-08-05 - Weekly Update
2022-08-05 - Weekly Update
Aug 5, 2022
@Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)
@Lal Chandran
@Benjamin Balder Bach
Meeting Note
Agenda | Presenter | Discussion |
Update from last week To-Do’s | @everybody |
Update from Tech Committee | @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) | Test-plan presented and approved on Aug 4, 2022 Tech Committe meeting (notes) |
Update on API development | @Benjamin Balder Bach @Lal Chandran |
CON-32: Provide input that can used across the BBs to install and start the microserviceDone |
Planning test scenarios | @everybody |
AOB | @everybody |
Action Items
@Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) will build Consent Jira board based on inputs from Lal (outstanding from the last week)
On Aug 8, 2022@Lal Chandran and @Benjamin Balder Bach will meet to agree API endpoint description standard so that it can be streamlined with the Architecture group as a basis for test planning
Homework for everybody (@Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) , @Lal Chandran , @Benjamin Balder Bach , @Philippe Page and @sasi) - check