2022-06-24 Meeting notes
2022-06-24 Meeting notes
Jun 24, 2022
@Benjamin Balder Bach
@Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)
Dr Ramkumar
@Philippe Page
@Lal Chandran
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| Resolving last feedback item in definition doc (comment from Aare) |
Ain shares inputs from Architecture group, lead-up to Berling meeting | Ain |
| |
| Review of out-of-scope items, early ideas of priorities |
| We noted that the first 5 items incidentally caught the most attention, but we remain with a full discussion of all items. Ain will gather inputs in Berlin. |
Action items
Feedback for Aare
Publish LinkedIn blog post, perhaps clarify the review status @Lal Chandran