September 28, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note

September 28, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note


@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @David Higgins @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated) @Trev Harmon @Steve Conrad @Aneta Pałczyńska (Deactivated) @PSRAMKUMAR @smita.selot @Taylor Downs @Aleksander Reitsakas @Damian Borowiecki (Deactivated) @Kibuuka, Arnold @Paweł Gesek @Tarek Rashed @Vasil Kolev






Review pending action items

@Esther Ogunjimi

10 Minutes

TECH-654: Updates based on technical reviewDone

  • IM BB (1)

  • ID BB (2)

  • Messaging BB (2)

  • Steve to follow up with Consent and ID and verify the remaining 2 issues for Messaging

TECH-670: Candidate ProductsDone

  • Consent BB

  • Scheduler BB

  • Payment BB

  • Messaging BB

  • ID BB

  • Digital Registration BB

Celebration and goodbye

@Steve Conrad

10 minutes


Status Update


30 minutes


Issues to be addressed for release are tracked here: https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/UX/issues/TECH-825

Testing team



New TC Structure

Steve -

Taylor -

Vasil -

SSO questions

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Steve Conrad

15 minutes

Sandbox team needs a way to quickly address issues related to the use case implementations:

  • Sandbox team to raise issue to @PSRAMKUMAR who will work with BB groups to resolve

  • Weekly touchpoints in Sandbox meeting

  • Bring more cross-cutting issues to the architecture team and technical committee if needed.

API discrepancies

@Aneta Pałczyńska (Deactivated)

10 minutes

Messaging BB Review of Messaging BB API documentation (@Martin Karner)
Information Mediator BB Review of Information Mediator BB API documentation (@Aleksander Reitsakas)
Digital Registries BB Review of Digital Registries BB API documentation (@Ingmar Vali Regtech)
Payments BB Review of Payments BB API documentation (@Arnold Kibuuka)
Identity BB Review of Identity BB API documentation (@Jaume)
Consent BB Review of Consent BB API documentation (@Ain) (review was done for the newest version that is still in development, but the new 1.1 was said to be published on Monday and has many great ideas like Readme file or csvs with detailed data information)


Steve - Or something like https://<other party>/api/v1/endpoint

Taylor -

Inclusion of new software in GovStack Working Group

@Steve Conrad

15 minutes

How do we manage the BB software that has been contracted by GovStack?

Egypt deep dive

@Steve Conrad

10 minutes

Feedback from other participants. Please document any feedback/action items here: Egypt Deep Dive Takeaways

Requirements to be listed as service provider

@Nico Lueck

5 min

Need Input: Suggestion on what can be requirements to be listed as a service provider to offer services based on the GovStack approach? And how to quantify? e.g. how many days of project reference qualify to be eligible? Companies and Freelancers.

Documentation for compliance form Compliance Report & Form - requirements


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