Sep 05, 2023 - Alignment Meeting # 20

Sep 05, 2023 - Alignment Meeting # 20


@Satyajit Suri @Vikash Madduri @David Higgins @Jane Rose Anthony @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @jarkkohyoty @Hareesh @Vasil Kolev @Karthik SJ

Meeting Recording

Govstack Sandbox _ BB Implementation - Alignment Meetings-20230829-Meeting 19.mp4

Discussion Topics





Status of BB deployments on Sandbox Playground

  • Meelis Zujev confirmed that the sandbox deployment playground is up and running without any problems, and impediments have been resolved.

  • Jarkko discussed the deployment status on the playground and mentioned issues with the payment building block, specifically a memory issue.

  • The Sandbox team expressed the need for documentation on how to use the interfaces implemented by the building blocks correctly on the playground and access to source code for testing purposes.

Documentation and Deployment Links

  • Jane Rose provided links to the documentation and mentioned that the source code is currently in their GitHub repository.

  • Clarification sought on whether the forked source code and documentation will be kept constant or merged into MOSIP's source code.

  • Satya shared that the source code should ideally remain in the original repository, ensuring that MOSIP becomes Gov Stack compliant rather than creating separate GovStack repositories.

  • Jane mentioned that she will initiate discussions with MOSIP's architects to determine the final decision on source code.

Next Steps for Testing Integration

  • As next steps for testing the integration, Satya suggests having bilateral meetings with Sandbox and building block providers.

 Action Items


Action Items



Action Items



  1. Bilateral meetings for Sandbox <> BB integration

@Vasil Kolev @Karthik SJ @David Higgins @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Jane Rose Anthony