Draft - Convention for Terminology Definition

@PSRAMKUMAR is requesting feedback for the following convention for terminology definition document. Note that this will apply to the terminology page managed on gitbook: https://govstack.gitbook.io/govstack-country-engagement-playbook/govstack-implementation-playbook/3-terminology

Convention for Terminology Definition

While it seems simple to assign names to identify persons/places/things, it is important to have a proper naming convention that addresses the following needs of a heterogeneous global group such as Govstack to use the terminology consistently:

  1. Simple to remember and pronounce

  2. Easy to recognize if the name identifies as a person place or a thing

  3. Conveys the context in which the name is issued 4. Unique in the glossary 5. Small enough spell/remember

  4. Common language word as possible

  5. Already used by people across the world

  6. Indicates the affiliation in which the name is to be used


  • Service as that which is provided by government to citizen.

  • Program is a focussed bunch of services under a specific sector (education/health/etc) such

    as ppcm, UCST,etc

  • USE-CASE is how a Service gets executed between provider and consumer of the service

  • An episode is a single encounter of the consumer with the provider and episodes may not

    happen at same epoch

  • Use-case journey is the series of episodes that my happen along the USE-CASE

  • Logical process blueprint is the formal capture of episodes and steps within various episodes,

    the step size being such that it may consume a single service of a BB to complete the step

  • USE CASE Scenario is formal capture of the context in which a service call is made consisting

    of pre/post conditions, assumptions, inputs, outputs, earlier this was called use-case


  • Key digital functionalities are internal functional blocks, workflow and data models needed in the BB to do a given service

  • Interfaces are channels of interaction with a building block for ingress calls to the BB as well as egress calls from the BB accessible at defined internet locations

  • APIs are formalized definition of protocols and data formats that are exchanged through the interfaces in a service request and response transaction