Capacity Development Team


Accountable Person (only one person)

@Nora Hauptmann

Responsible Person(s) (“team members doing the work”)

  • @Nora Hauptmann

  • @Pia Seiffarth

  • @Martinez, Yolanda

  • @Shukla, Ayush

  • @Diana Sang

  • @Ingrid Pappel

  • @Puja Raghavan

  • @Lekan Osoba

  • Karim Deghedy

Informed (“keep in the loop”)

Governance Committee, Product Committee, Tech Committee

Team Properties



Start Date

Jan 1, 2023

End Date


Associated Committee(s)



Our mission is to develop e-learning content hosted on atingi and to coordinate on in-person trainings for GovStack partner governments.



  1. e-learning courses as prioritized in Artefact tracker

  2. collection of learnign materials, curriculums/ agendas for trainings (to be hosted on atingi)

  3. courses coordinated in course calendar.

Other Information

Link to Deliverables (confluence, gitbook or sharepoint)


Link to Work Plan (Jira or sharepoint)


List of e-learning couses in development

Artefact tracker

Training calendar

Obligations to involve Governance Board (for Teams)

budget constraints, political implications, legal or reputation risks



 By-weekly Meeting Goals

Alignment on GovStack Capacity Development activities

Review courses in development using the artefact tracker



High-level Instructional design document (IDD) includes:

  • The course concept,

  • Intended audience (s)

  • Pedagogical approach (e.g. instructor-led, animation, etc)

  • Tools to be used,

  • Work plan,

  • Approximate video running time,

  • Assessment survey: Measurements that will Be ssed to evaluate the Effectiveness of the Training

  • Collation of existing training content (Where available: Additional Open content or online resources for participants to dive more deeply into specific topics of the e-learning course), and

  • Respective usage license is required in case the content is curated from a third party.

  • Approximate learning time,

  • Limitations