2022-11-09 - Product Committee

2022-11-09 - Product Committee


Nov 9, 2022


  • @Wes Brown

  • @Sainabou Jallow

  • Margus Magi

  • @Steve Conrad

  • @Sherman Kong (Unlicensed)


  • @Taylor Downs

Meeting Recording

Recording URL: Product Committee Meetings-20221109_090503-Meeting Recording.mp4

 Discussion topics





Review Action Items

@Wes Brown

5 min


GovStack Implementation Playbook

@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

10 min




5 min

Wiki: https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/49545237


  • Any objections to using the Terminology page on Gitbook?


  • Ramkumar: might be good to link the context to the terminologies listed - to provide definition with context.

  • Ramkumar: will upload on Confluence terminologies proposition around use cases and user journeys. This to be shared with all for feedback/input - those working on building blocks etc.

  • Taylor: is the terminology on Gitbook, which is now public, internally consistent across GovStack? Recommends that we make sure these terms are mutually exclusive and overlapping across all Committees.

    • Spec for workflow - terminology section still has raw text rather than links. Worried that the text has been duplicated rather than linked to - as well as vice versa.

      • Suggestion that the link takes you to one place to ensure a synchronous process.

Product Use Case Template

@Wes Brown

10 min


Example: https://app.gitbook.com/o/pxmRWOPoaU8fUAbbcrus/s/YLLEfCKTnmzAMDSDzJJH/~/changes/cQiu8JkB9DJ0ZSLu2BTM/page-1/inst-usct-1-unconditional-social-cash-transfer (Unconditional Social Cash Transfer)

Need to make a decision; are there objections to starting with current template and then revisiting after we complete 3 product use cases?

Comments on current template:

We need to incorporate a section in the template with the link to the As-Is User Journey, the To-Be user journey (the service when into a co-design and simplification workshop and ir ready for digitization) and the corresponding wireframes. We also need input from GoreFore in terms of the exact documentation they need to code the service.

  • Wes: I’m not sure how this applies to the product use case or to the BB workflows. The primary goal of these product use cases is to provide context and limit scope for the building blocks and so if a User Journey (either As-Is or To-Be) has some relevance to the context or scope it should be noted directly in the product use case itself


  • Ramkumar: work on the use case has already been done. Recommends that we look through the logical process blue print that has been developed (found in the GovStack architecture folder in Google Doc) - review and gain insight from that.

    • There are templates in the Google Doc - the preconditions, inputs, outputs etc. This should feed into the use case template.

    • Recommends we have a workshop to work on one use case together.

  • Wes: what we could instead do is reference the logical process blue print in the use case template.

    • Have a technical document that is linked to each use case

    • Logical blue print needs some work - it is duplicating information.

    • We need a happy and simple path.

  • Steve: There needs to be a “logical process flow” at the use case step level to denote (diagram?) the interactions between BBs to enable the use case step process. This should likely live at the use case level

  • Steve: Suggestion to break down each step into an individual document on gitbook

Sandbox Use Cases



Feedback on Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

Looking for documentation about the Djibouti Construction/Online Building Plan use case

Merging Confluence Spaces / Migrating Google Drive Documents

@Wes Brown

5 min




  • Can we migrate content?

  • Which content should be skipped?

    • Technical use cases already moved to gitbook?


  • We should close out Google Drive and no longer make it an option for others to use. Ensure entire GovStack team is on Gitbook and Confluence.

    • Wes: we should have a process and restrict people from editing Google Docs.

    • Steve: he can turn off access/edit option and make all the files on there as read only.

  • Meeting notes to be saved on Confluence, and Gitbook to be used for publications - uploading websites and provide content management services and make it easier to edit/mark down format.

Use Case Process

@Wes Brown

10 min


Building Block Workgroup Cookbook


5 min


GovStack Release

@Wes Brown

10 min

What core product use cases should we prioritize and when could we realistically create a v1.0 release?

Committee Interaction


5 min

Committee Point People

  • Product/Process - @Wes Brown

  • Tech related - @Steve Conrad

  • Governance - Not sure, Jake and Hani?

 Action items

@PSRAMKUMAR to send terminology document on high-priority terms (use case, use case journey, etc)
@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) Train tech teams on where to document things once Google Drive goes awayhttps://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/PRD-51
@Steve Conrad to work with Ramkumar about process to turn off Google Drivehttps://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/PRD-52
@Eskandar, Hani to share recording on Djibouti Use Case meeting(s)
@Wes Brown set up meetings (or PC time) to discuss two sandbox use cases
@Wes Brown schedule initial Compliance WG meeting https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/PRD-53
@PSRAMKUMAR to share existing documents related to compliance with Wes
@PSRAMKUMAR to share terminology presentation content on Confluence (or share with Wes to do it)
@Wes Brown to work on how to incorporate the logical process flow into use case stephttps://govstack-global.atlassian.net/browse/PRD-55
@Wes Brown to break apart use case steps into individual document pages


  1. We will use the Terminology page on gitbook
  2. We will use the current Use Case template and iterate on the design (e.g. logical process flow and steps into individual pages)

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