2023-03-15 COMS


March 15, 2023


  • @Troein, Caroline @Farina Owusu @Arielle Diamond



 Discussion topics







WSIS prize


  • 3-4 finalists asking for feedback on their submissions. how should we direct these requests?

    • Caroline checking in with Yolanda

One pagers


High-level: GovStack people first digital solutions.docx

Technical: GovStack the first global toolbox for e-government services

Would be ideal to revisit these with the new mission, vision, etc. and be able to use these for April events.

Video approvals


So far we have votes from GIZ and DIAL.




  • invites in process for side event (Ayush, Farina)

Transform Africa

  • working on confirming session (Nora, Arielle)

  • Digital Leaders Forum - CIOs of Horn of Africa (tentative plan)

    • Trying to confirm staff / possibility for virtual attendance

BB v1.0 campaign


  • Curious if we are on track for end of March publication

  • We will prepare:

    • Building Blocks 101.docx

      • Share with Tech Committee

      • Force a meeting / interview to capture info: (AD)

        • Vikash, Ramkumar, Wes, Margus, Jake

    • BB video hopefully!

    • social graphics

    • social toolkit for partners and staff

    • any other ideas?

New video idea


  • Short intro video with faces from each of the 4 partners

  • Can use new video assets



 Action items

Action Items

Responsable party


Action Items

Responsable party


WSIS prize feedback plan

@Troein, Caroline

Mar 22

Follow up on video approvals

@Arielle Diamond


Schedule meeting with Product / Tech Committe for blog

@Arielle Diamond