Meeting Notes 2025

Meeting Notes 2025

Please add all meeting notes direktly on this page, the latest table on top.

Meeting Notes 03.03.25

Participants: Pia, Puja, Skyler, Marushka, Yuanming



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)

Lecture Plan


  • ITU to integrate changes to the Lecture Plan before JF tomorrow and share with GIZ for inputs. @Shukla, Ayush

  • ITU To set up a call with UN ODET and TalTech to integrate their inputs based on feedback tomorrow from the JF.

  • Jospehine on holiday: to already think about replacement for those dates.

TalTech Certificates: Architects Training


  • GIZ to follow up about Certificates with Josephine.

  • Solution this week and send them out latest next week.

Promotions: WiGTC


  • Marushka to reach out to Women in Tech and loop in Puja

  • @Shukla, Ayush to update Mentors time committment to upto 2 hours on the website and add TalTech as our Academic Partner.

  • Marushka to speak to project managers from ITU Countries.

  • Social media posts in another language.



  • Sent Email to Lizzi about data for E-learnings for WiGTC

WiGTC Certificates


  • @Shukla, Ayush to send master copy of certificates to @Puja Raghavan and Yuanming.

    • To circulate it this week.

Evaluation: WiGTC


  • ITU to circulate a proposal for evaluation metrics of applications @Shukla, Ayush

  • ITU to prepare the excel dividiing applicants per Partner @Shukla, Ayush

  • Deadline: 04.03.25

Meeting Notes 28.02.25

Participants: Marushka, Puja, Ayush, Nora



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)

evaluation excel sheet & criteria


More than 60 Mentor applications to date with good quality of applicant profiles, many applicants from African countries, with a majority coming from Mazambique

Discussion on critera: we would like to start evaluations before the deadline,

We would like to apply overall critera to the group to ensure diversity in the overall group (e.g. not having 50% of applicants coming from one country,

We took a joint look at the evaluation criteria for mentees. Need to add relevant selection criteria to the excel sheet, e.g. did they upload a video etc.

We need a process for the evaluations that allows for different revieing organizations (e.g. working with different tabs)

Decision: We will not have an extra track for students, they will have to meet the normal requirements.

We are looking for a weighted way of rating and not work with colour system but rather with grades.

We will an evaluation system with different levels:

  1. eliminating filter: hard criteria (one person evaluates)

  2. evaluation of soft skills/ motivation (2 organizations evaluate)

Update call w. Josephine



Revised lecture plan










Meeting Notes 27.01.25

Participants: Marushka, Puja, Ayush, Nora



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



the Mentor mentee Panel: Mentees: Michelle Grell-Bereaux, Aparajita Dubey

Mentors: Helena Lepp, Alexia Peralta( Maruska)



Website: Add GovStack Logo +GovStack in Intro text.

Participants will receive notice on 1st of April, Programme starts on April 14th

Linkedin post will be sent out today. Change: 2 sections of logos: founding partner logos and then in partnership with…





















Meeting Notes 3.02.25

Participants: Marushka, Skyler, Ayush, Nora, Pia









Women in GovTech Updates
Events board has approved Women in Govtech challenge 2. Can go ahead with planning launch. Include directors office in relevant
Courseoutline is being written - Will leave out to Lizzi by end of week to get training details prepared for Atingi


Two meetings with Atingi
One meeting with FF 
One meeting with Lizzi to address Metabase and visibility.


Ayush writes to Lizzi on Wednesday for Architects training page



Update UN office involvement
Interested in broader involvement in Govstack
Interested in joining co-creation of challenge - would like to be highlighted as a partner. 
Potential resources availbible for echnical experts.Lecture materials, promotion. 
Very much a support level of cooperation
Still waiting for Final Approval from management.



Preparation Webinar 
Onepager already underway. 
Need draft for high level sharing to BMZ/GiZ
Postpone announcement week of the 17th. All promotion materials should be ready by then.



Promotion planning
Brainstorm channels to go through. 
Interview from Cynthia Areyo to promote on LinkedIn
Reutilizing videos we already recording.
Developing onepager on promotion


Application Form.


JotForm is our application forum, we will here from Ayush if it takes costs for licences . 
Puja checks KoboToolbox

























Meeting Notes 27.01.25

Participants: Marushka, Skyler, Ayush, Nora



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Taltech will be involved, Ingrid is supporting, tbd if Josephine will be able to join as a supporter.

Launch Event: discussed with Yolanda (Marushka)

ITU Events board meeting: Concept note wil be meetig 30th of January hoping for quick decision.

Coursera: Marushka will reach out to Christina regarding licenses for participants.


Nora, Skyler

How can we inprove visibility and date usage in atingi?

Open questions for atingi:

a) if we can get a GovStack filter

b) how we can itterate out course to be more visible unter the Governance filter

c) which needs we have regarding data on participants (and which challenges we currenlty see.

Skyler, togteher with Ayush, will reach out ti Lizzi to discuss.

Skyler will prepare a dicument describing how we would like to use data on participants and what our challenes are.

Cooperation UNTech Envoy


Puja created a presentation for the meeting with UNTechEnvoy, Ayush & Nora will give feedback/ add.

















Meeting Notes 20.01.25

Participants: Marushka, Skyler, Ayush, Pia, Puja



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)

Certificates: Architects Training


  • Using the list being sent by Skyler to Josephine.

  • Puja/ Ayush to verify from Josephine if the TalTech credits have been sent and then to email the Certificate of Completion with Distinction.

Page for Architects Training (website)


  • Ayush and Puja to ready the page and share it with the Comms Huddle.

Network of Architects Training


  • Puja/ Skyler speaking with Martha on Friday and will report back next week on community management of a Slack Channel for the Architects Training.

Women in GovTech Challenge Second Cohort

Puja, Ayush














Meeting Notes 013.01.25

Participants: Dr. Ramkumar, Skyler, Ayush, Nora, Puja



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)

Update on Taltech WRT the challenge

@Shukla, Ayush

  • We have @Ingrid Pappel onboard with us till May at the least, reach out to her and seek if we have Super Josephine join us as well!

  • Share Comp framework with Puja on whatsapp

Proposed timeline by @Eskandar, Hani

@Shukla, Ayush

  • The lion's share of the work is to be completed by May or April 2025.

Updates to be presented to the GC today and seek their input on resources that can be contributed.

@Shukla, Ayush

  • Link to the GC presentation

  • Overview of the challenge

    • Ask an event that we can announce the WIGTC25 at.

    • The facilitators that we have on hand, the participants that we can support

    • Estimate that we will need for technical experts and the travel for participants (Maybe Est can support with tech exp and expenses for travel)

  • To be presented by @Puja Raghavan and @Shukla, Ayush

Certificates for the GovStack Architects Program 2024


still no response from director's office decision to send certificates out by Jan20th if we don´t hear from the director

Goals 2025


We checked all goals and apdated them here: GovStack Deliverables 2025.pptx







Meeting Notes 06.01.25

Participants: Marushka, Skyler, Ayush, Nora, Puja, Pia



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)



Notes (Decisions / Next Steps)

University collaboration


  • Countries require some courses on Cloud Infra. 2 levels:

    • General cloud infra (Piggy back on existing PG cloud computing course)

    • SCS specific theory and practice course with Govstack architecture primer.as an elective subject,

  • We need a GovStack cobranded courses.

    • We need to check if the universities can set up a demo cloud environment.

      • This may involve signing MOUs, requiring a visit.

    • Sovereign Cloud Stack can be a separate elective course.


@Nora Hauptmann @Shukla, Ayush

  • @Shukla, Ayush to prep a draft. Send another email Jan 7, 2025 informing them that we are on top of things

  • Add members that have been removed from Slack.

  • Include a link to the general slack channel as well.

Architects training closing

@Nora Hauptmann

  • Post-Training Support: Discuss what we can do with them.

  • @Skyler Blake to add them to the broader community?

  • Invite the grads to provide feedback to PAERA and take this to the tech comms call and ask how best we can use volunteers.

Atingi partner page

@Nora Hauptmann

To be discussed next week.

Women in GovTech Challenge 2nd ed

@Shukla, Ayush @Puja Raghavan

Proposal to update invite to 1300 CET at the earliest and include @Marushka Chocobar

@Shukla, Ayush












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