April 14, 2023 Architecture Team Meeting Notes

April 14, 2023 Architecture Team Meeting Notes


@Wes Brown

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

@Nico Lueck

@Steve Conrad

@Oleksii Danyliuk

@Aleksander Reitsakas


@Aare Laponin







Review Process

@Wes Brown

@Steve Conrad

 40 minutes

Go through each BB and do a manual review.

Known/outstanding issues:

  • Format of Consent Building Block

  • Key Digital Functions for Digital Registries


Review tasks are assigned here:

TECH-394: Review of BB specificationsDone

TECH-393: Review of non-functional and security requirementsDone

All comments to be logged here: Architecture Team Review


We need to create Jira tasks for work that needs to be done by BB teams - put link to specific GitBook comment in Jira ticket.


Determine next steps and schedule for review work.


Adaptor Conversation

@Steve Conrad


15 minutes

Proposal from Nico to work with Sandbox team on Adaptors

Can we define a short-term technical approach and work with sandbox team to implement for USCT?

Recap and comments on current approach for onboarding existing tools: 6 Onboarding Products | GovStack Specification

  • Wes - we don’t need to worry about cross-BB communications for now, just need to map existing APIs to the BB specs

  • Meelis - Are the two first scenarios both needed? Can’t we just use a single paradigm oriented around an adaptor?

  • Aleksander - an adaptor can be part of a service bus

  • Meelis - how sophisticated should adaptors be? Orchestrators?

  • Steve - adaptors would be used for URL/data mapping, IM for communication between non-colocated systems, workflow BB for orchestration

  • Aleksander - what about service discovery? Could be IM, but that hasn’t been defined yet

  • Steve - we may be able to implement service discovery later

  • Meelis - do we need both ingress and egress adaptors, or just on one end of a BB?

  • Aleksander - adaptors should just be used to map from one API to another. DPG->GovStack –- GovStack->DPG

  • Nico - could we use any existing adaptors from various fields/domains? What do we do when there isn’t an needed endpoint in a DPG? Can potentially hard-code any service discovery for now.

  • Aleksander - workflow can be used for missing APIs

Steve to create short document/diagram on what an adaptor is and what tools/technologies can be used to build. Validate with architecture and TC groups. From there, we can attempt an initial implementation in the sandbox.


Identifying/highlighting standards

@Wes Brown

10 minutes

ID BB has called out some specific standards. How should we handle/approach?

Next steps/AOB


5 minutes

What should we prioritize?

Can we spin off small groups to work through specific tasks?

Action Items

All to review comments (on Confluence and GitBook) and mark which things need to be done for the 1.0 publication (Now) versus in the future (Next)
All to review the BB specification template and suggest changes (comments in GitBook is fine) so that we can make any required changes for Valeria (and others) to align the BB spec to

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