2023-07-24 Meeting notes

2023-07-24 Meeting notes


Jul 24, 2023



  • @Nora Hauptmann

  • @Pia Seiffarth

  • @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

  • @Shukla, Ayush

  • @Diana Sang

  • @Ingrid Pappel

  • @Lekan Osoba

  • Karim Deghedy

 General Meeting Goals

Alignment on GovStack Capacity Development activities

Review courses in development using the artefact tracker

 Discussion topics









5 min

New Confluence page


We created a

15 min

Dial Introduction of Outline for 101


Lekan guides us trhough short outline of GovStack 101 and TOT online learning

Dial aims to use the LMS as a “ressource centre” for trainers, not a self-paced learning environment. Next steps: we need to understand how we can build the overall structure of the LMS with a section for learners and a separate area for trainers.

We aim to have one place of contact for all learning outlines: @Lekan Osoba and @karim deghedy please add link to the artefact tracker.

We will save content and outlines in sharepoint

We need to streamline training provision.


5 min

Go Through Artefact tracker and the different principles mapped by ITU


ITU has done a great job in looking at all different principles which have been developed. All partners take time to go through the principles (sheet E/G) to consoludate the principles where suitbale.

Task: please lookat the principles not with the perspective of creating a new set of principles, but rather as through where they are complementing, giving them a new name and ensuring we

5 min

Template for course outline


We prepared an outline for the course development which gives us all guidance on aspects which need to be considered during course development. I is based on the atingi quality standards and should be exsisting for every course developed (stored in sharepoint).





 Action items


@Diana Sang @Lekan Osoba to share content overview for the GovStack 101 (generic) trainings in sharepoint
@Diana Sang @Lekan Osoba to share e-learning approach / delivery plan for GovStack 101 & Digital Principles 101 training in the next weeks.
All: Please provide feedback/ comments on the new capacity development confluence page
All: provide feedback on Principles mapping shared by ITU: which principles are complementary, where can we e.g. chnge names
All: please are comments / feeddback on the template for course outline/ development (shared by @Pia Seiffarth )

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