2024-01-15 Meeting notes

2024-01-15 Meeting notes




@Nora Hauptmann

@Shukla, Ayush

@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

@Pia Seiffarth

@Josephine Lusi

@Puja Raghavan



Updates and Alignment

 Discussion topics










Women in GovTech Challenge 2023-24

@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

  • Samita, Jane, Dr. Ramkumar are confirmed for lecture session for this week

    • @Josephine Lusi to email Jane regarding the topics that they must cover (Demo of ID BB in particular) in the Lecture session.

    • @Nora Hauptmann lets ensure that the lecturers are aware that they need to cover ID and security BBs on Wed.

  • Edoi confirmed for the Networking session

  • Can we have anyone from GovTech Germany and Kenya join?

    • @Nora Hauptmann

    • @Pia Seiffarth

      • M&E survey created, seek input from all on call

      • Can reach out to Steve and Amrit to seek recomendations on who can join the session. Need to know the objective and scope of the session.

        • @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) this session is on GovTech ecosystems

        • Yolanda wont be able to join on Thursday, can someone facilitate in her place? @Nora Hauptmann can facilitate!

        • image-20240115-101652.png
    • @Puja Raghavan given the short notice, we wont be able to have someone contribute.

  • @Shukla, Ayush send a reminder with the agenda for the networking sesion.

  • @Shukla, Ayush send invite for Networking Session to @Josephine Lusi

  • @Puja Raghavan to facilitate Lecture session

  • Sandbox documentation: Enter the Sandbox | sandbox

  • Coursera:

    • access made available to participants and mentors of the challenge.

    • due to cost considerations, only one integration possible at the moment

    • @Nora Hauptmann Agree to extend use of coursera for 4 weeks.

    • We have 100 licenses that we can use

  • Week 7 - 2 pending invites, Dept. Min from UKR and Catarina, Can GIZ support in seeking confirmation

    • @Puja Raghavan will inform Sara that we havent herd from Paula yet.

  • Week 8 - we plan to have SG ITU Join, We are still seeking confirmation from Paula


Update Training Calendar + check Artefact Tracker


  • @Nora Hauptmann lets update the callendar and discuss this next call

10 min

Motto course content


feedback from atingi

  • Meeting






Videos of Experts, Interviews from Yolanda and TalTech

@Shukla, Ayush








GovTech Trends by Ms. Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano

Panel discussion

Open discussion

 Action items

Send updated invites with agenda for the networking session
Women in GovTech Challenge M&E survey created, seek input from all on call
Have this call scheduled weekly!


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