2023-03-13 G2P Use-case implementation - Alignment with Mojaloop
Mar 13, 2023
@Kibuuka, Arnold
@Mauree, Venkatesen
@Soban Najam
@Satyajit Suri
@Paul Makin
@Avik Ganguly
@Eskandar, Hani
The goal of the meeting was to clarify the roles of Mojaloop in a bulk payments ecosystem and ensure alignment with the payments BB specifications for implementing the G2P bulk payment use case, addressing any confusion that may have arisen during previous presentations.
Meeting recording: https://ituint-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/arnold_kibuuka_itu_int/EdUSkbnIxTFFjSfkfN43hgcBeJBUYBjr17gpIwXNPy3wmg?e=K0yO0O
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Clarifications on the roles of Mojaloop in a bulk payments Ecosystem | Paul Makin | Clarified the following about Mojaloop and the account mapper
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| @Soban Najam |