June 20, 2023 - Alignment Meeting # 10

June 20, 2023 - Alignment Meeting # 10


@Satyajit Suri @Vikash Madduri @PSRAMKUMAR @Nico Lueck @Mauree, Venkatesen @Kibuuka, Arnold @David Higgins @Jane Rose Anthony @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @jarkkohyoty @Taylor Downs @Hareesh @smita.selot @Vasil Kolev @Aleksander Reitsakas @Akseli Karvinen @Jaume DUBOIS

Meeting Recording

Govstack Sandbox _ BB Implementation - Alignment Meetings-20230620_Meeting 10.mp4

Discussion Topics





Discussion on Sandbox environment and exchange of member credentials for sandbox deployment

  • The sandbox environment was described as a separate Kubernetes cluster running on Elastic Kubernetes Service.

  • The status of the exchange of member credentials was mentioned, and it was noted that some responses were still pending from BB providers.

  • Credentials were shared with the Technoforte, Mifos, and Nortal teams to access this environment.

  • The teams were instructed to change their passwords, enable multi-factor authentication, and install necessary tools.

  • There was also discussion about isolating the building block containers and the possibility of using CircleCI for provisioning.

Deployment related updates

  • There was a discussion about isolating the building block containers and setting resource requirements for the sandbox environment. The aim was to assess the effort required for installing different building blocks and limit resource usage.

  • Deployment-related topics were discussed, including aligning with the previous meeting and the deployment experiences of the team members.

  • The goal was to assess the effort required for installing building blocks and involve the teams familiar with those blocks.

  • The sandbox team intends to avoid becoming experts in each building block and instead provide a minimal environment for BB providers to install their products.

  • The plan involved assessing resource requirements and transitioning the installed software versions to the internal repository.

Emulator and Reference Implementation

  • The concept of using emulators and reference implementations for building blocks was discussed.

  • The emulator provided working but not sophisticated implementations of APIs, which could be replaced by the actual building block APIs once compliant.

  • This approach would allow testing scenarios with lightweight infrastructure and facilitate separation of concerns.

  • Test harnesses for the API were mentioned, and it was planned to test them against the sandbox using the emulator.

  • This would enable testing of any building block deployed in the sandbox, including Mifos and others.

  • Discussed about the test harness and its limitations in testing real implementation with specific data, such as top-to-bottom test with real responses and the challenge of mocking and using fake data.

  • The integration of the emulator with the test harness is suggested to achieve the desired results.

Portal for monitoring BB usage

  • A portal application was discussed as a monitoring and administrative environment for demonstrating the capability of the infrastructure and building block usage.

  • It would provide information about available building blocks, their installations, and scenarios.

  • However, the capabilities through the API for implementing the portal application were currently lacking, and discussions were ongoing to address this.

 Action Items


Action Items



Action Items



  1. BB deployment updates in the Sandbox environment using the member credentials provided by the Sandbox tea

@David Higgins @Jane Rose Anthony


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