Discussed the progress of creating isolated environments for BB implementations in the Sandbox for testing. Currently, new organizations are being created for these isolated environments, and the Sandbox team is working on the setup activities.
It was mentioned that the Technical Committee discussed the generic infrastructure requirements for each building block. The goal is to understand the resource needs and cost implications for each building block in the sandbox environment.
Emphasized the need to gather infrastructure requirements for the building blocks. BB providers are requested to specify the infrastructure requirements for their BB implementations in the following page - Infrastructure Requirements of BB Implementations for Sandbox Deployment - GovStack - GovStack Wiki
Discussed the need for concurrency testing of the BB implementations before their delivery to the Sandbox environment. The concurrency requirements for the Sandbox differ from the development server and there is need to determine the actual concurrency needed for each building block and ensure it aligns with the contracted concurrency limits.
The number of concurrent users expected on the Sandbox and whether the current projections align with the actual requirements. The team suggested evaluating the real concurrency needs before provisioning infrastructure. It was suggested to assess the infrastructure needs based on the minimum concurrency requirement, such as 10 to 50 users, and determine the necessary infrastructure for that level. The idea was to start with a minimal infrastructure and scale it as needed in the future.
BB providers raised questions about load testing and performance testing and how it relates to Sandbox requirements. It was clarified that the load testing and performance testing is part of the development process, and the concurrency and performance criteria should be evaluated in the development environments of the respective BB providers before integration into the Sandbox.
The need for a clear guideline on load testing and acceptance criteria was highlighted by the BB providers.
Discussed the need to minimize infrastructure requirements for Sandbox deployments to make the process efficient and cost-effective.
Discussed the possibility of minimizing the cloud dependency for the building blocks and making the sandbox cloud-agnostic. The goal is to explore if the Sandbox could function without relying heavily on cloud infrastructure.