Oct 03, 2023 - Alignment Meeting # 22

Oct 03, 2023 - Alignment Meeting # 22


@Satyajit Suri @Vikash Madduri @David Higgins @Jane Rose Anthony @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @jarkkohyoty @Hareesh @Vasil Kolev @Karthik SJ

Meeting Recording


Discussion Topics





Technical Issue Discussions:

It was agreed that technical issues should be discussed through bi-lateral channels or slack between meetings, with any unresolved issues brought up in subsequent meetings for open discussion.

Payments Building Block Update:

The upcoming release of the payments building block, including all PI2 functionality, was discussed.

Callback Functionality Issues:

Challenges with the callback for batch transactions not working as expected were identified, impacting the integration process.

ID BB Integration:

Efforts to help the sandbox team understand the scope of the ID building block in the USCT, including API execution and data requirements, were discussed.

Test Harness Compliance for ID BB:

Need for modifications in test cases for the ID building block due to inaccuracies.

Building Blocks Integration Strategy:

A strategy for step-by-step integration of building blocks, ensuring efficient operation in remote environments, was proposed. This included deploying an information mediator in the playground as a starting point.

APIs and Information Mediator:

The importance of ensuring APIs could pass through the information mediator and potential adjustments to specifications were discussed.

Orchestrator Application's Role:

The crucial role of the orchestrator application in managing configurations and connectivity between building blocks was emphasized.

 Action Items


Action Items



Action Items







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