Flow Configurations

Flow Configurations

Flow configurations (Business Process Modeling Notation) are broadly categorized into the following categories (some of which are overlapping) :-

  • Mock Flows - Simulates various events like account lookup, quotations, hold/deposit/withdraw funds, transfers with callbacks. This allows demonstration of Payment Hub without external dependencies being live and configured as per use case flows.

  • Switch (Mojaloop) flows - These are P2P flows which are often embedded within G2P flows. These demonstrate disbursement to multiple payee DFSPIDs; i.e. multilateral clearing. This includes payee-side flows for account lookup, quotation and accepting transfers.

  • Voucher flows - Budget check, redemption and payment flows.

  • Mobile Money (GSMA) flows - These are configurations built as per v1.1.3 of GSMA Mobile Money APIs. This includes configurations for use case flows of P2P, International Remittance, BillPay and Account APIs.

  • Collection implementation flows - These are inbound transfer (Customer initiated C2B/C2G) and outbound transfer request (Business/Gov initiated C2B/C2G) flows. This involves MMP specific schemes such as MPesa and MTN.

  • P2G Flows -

  • Bulk Processing Flows - This includes core (product) bulk processing flows and implementation specific bulk connector flows where debulking itself is in batch mode.

  • Miscellaneous - Performance testing related closed loop configurations.

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