November 24, 2022 SolDevelo

November 24, 2022 SolDevelo


Nov 24, 2022


  • @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

  • @Damian Szafranek

  • @Damian Borowiecki (Deactivated)

  • @Karolina Kopacz (Deactivated)

  • @Paweł Gesek

  • @Kamil Piotrowski (Deactivated)

  • @Satyajit Suri

  • @Taylor Downs


  • Discuss current

 Discussion topics







Introductions round


  • Satyajit Suri -

  • Taylor Downs - definining test products and test strategy


  • Dominika Bienkowska - Project Manager

  • Pawel Gesek leads - technical/architecture support as well as DevOps support

  • Kamil Piotrowski - Scrum master that will help with backlog management

  • Damian Borowiecki - Technical Leader / Backend Developer

  • Damian Szafranek - Team Leader

  • Karolina Kopacz - Frontend Developer

Project scope - GovStack + API testing


GovStack Building Blocks are sets of specifications and API definitions. Inside of the ‘examples’ folder for each BB there are some implementations and mocks of the specified functionalities. Testing team will prepare and execute tests for each of these examples. Example applications are standarized, they are dockerized and they have a common shell script as an entry point.


Scope of the testing team:

  • Test specification and implementation

    • preparing test cases in gherkin and implementing them in cucumber (preferably .js but python is also fine)

  • Integrating tests into CircleCI workflow

  • Preparing a UI application where BBs can be selected for tests and where the results will be displayed. Design and details still need to be discussed

Current status and tasks of API testing group


  • It was already started and the progress is being made but it’s not a huge one and now once SolDevelo team we need to move forward faster

  • Current focus is to start building the test process

    • Each BB has API specification, now we need to start writing cucumber tests for each particular API

    • start developing the implementation on backend side

    • then deploy all of this to circle ci

    • we also need to think how to create a frontend application where user can authenticate, choose particular bb and check compliance

What roles and competencies do we need in the API testing team?


rock solid understanding of:

  • rest APIs

  • docker and docker compose

  • gherkin and cucumber.js or cucumber for python (i prefer JS, but maybe Satya has feelings here!)

  • circle-ci (or github actions or other CI/CD technologies)

  • openAPI spec

  • front-end for display of test outputs

    • The reporting tool would need some visua design as Taylor mentioned.

    • number of passed and failed test cases, in addition to the comparison of expected versus actual results achieved


An example of PR with test definitions and implementations, this is a type of PR that is expected from our team:


Next steps for SolDevelo team.


  • Getting onboard

  • We need to start thinking how to do our sprints, how to organize a backlog

  • We should join the #testing channel on Slack



Are the appcations/mocks from ‘examples’ standarized?

They are standarized. All of them use Docker containers and they use a predefined entry script (that can have different implementation)


What if some implementation doesn’t pass tests?

We can give suggestions how to adapt the implementation to fit the requirements. It can be done by modifying the Cuddyfile to transform some of the API endpoints (example with processes/developers can be found here: https://github.com/GovStackWorkingGroup/bb-workflow/blob/main/examples/camunda/Caddyfile )

Involvement of UX/UI designer

To make sure that the app is designed in the best and user friendly way, we should involve UX/UI team from our side.

 Action items

Action Items

Responsible party


Action Items

Responsible party



Nov 24, 2022






Are those tests going to be standarized? So will

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