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Meelis - Technical Project Manager/Scrum Master/Team Lead of Sandbox
Dominika Bienkowska - Project Manager
Pawel Gesek leads - technical/architecture support as well as DevOps support
Kamil Piotrowski - Scrum master that will help with backlog management
Scope of Sandbox and it's role in GovStack.
Sandbox is a playground for different kind of user groups (stakeholders, new countries) to simulate and build up different kind of services with building blocks and run them to check how they all work connected. Environment where you can connect different building blocks - exploratory environment. All BBs have to be connected throught APIs and should be as independent as possible. X-Road® . Sandbox is built on AWS, using Kubernetes. Sandbox Architecture: A GovStack Instancearchived
API testing - how it's connected with Sandbox
Sanbox could be a validation area for validation blocks and that’s why tests should be synchronized in this Sandbox playground. API Testing is a quality gate for Sandbox. Sandbox consumes building blocks.
We need to make those building blocks running and Sandbox also have to.
How the workflow currently looks like?
What we can do to make the work as smooth as possible?
We need to make those building blocks running and Sandbox also have to.
We need to clarify that the tests need to be constantly updated.
Ask as many questions as possible. We neet to agree on definitions like definition of done, interoperability tests.
For most BBs specification is in a very early stage. We need to start with those most well defined.