February 6, 2023 Development process of example implementation

February 6, 2023 Development process of example implementation


Feb 6, 2023


  • @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

  • @Paweł Gesek

  • @Steve Conrad


 Discussion topics

Meeting notes and recording on Fireflies: GovStack - discuss SolDevelo involvment in Use-cases oriented process - Meeting recording by Fireflies.ai





How we get the use case / country use case / requirements?

  • Most of them comes from the Product Committee

  • Satya was working on Postpartum Use Case, it took almost a year to get it

  • No one was responsible for creating example implementation before, we do not have any process to do so

How do we get to the use case implementation template with the BB teams? What channels, processes should we use?

  • Once we get the use case, we should identify all BBs

  • Take each step of the use case

  • We would need someone who understand all BBs and their

    • And someone who will be mapping each step

  • Soft competencies to involve BBs into the process

  • When Use Case is DONE?

    • Each section of example implementation is completed

    • Who validates it? This questions needs to be answered.

  • We should give it a try and see how the process will look like

    • Dominika will talk with Damian about his involvement

Who else should we engage with when working on this?

  • Steve, Satya from the beginning of creating example implementation

    • Together we can prepare at least something like diagrams and further steps and identify who else should be involved

What is the LoE for it - do we have a space for it within our team and budget?

  • Around 0.5FTE




  • Who validates example implementation?

 Action items

Action Items

Responsible party


Action Items

Responsible party


To follow up with Damian about his involvement in writing example implementation

@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

Feb 7, 2023