January 13, 2023 API Testing


Jan 13, 2023


  • @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

  • @Karolina Kopacz (Deactivated)

  • @Damian Szafranek

  • @Damian Borowiecki

  • @Satyajit Suri

  • @Esther Ogunjimi

  • Maciej Grochalski

  • Nyoman Ribeka

  • Helena Israel

  • Sreepathy H Vardarajan


  • Backlog refinement and other topics related to API Testing group

 Discussion topics





Update from SolDevelo

Plan for the next Sprint (TECH 4)

  • Finalize Identity BB

  • Information Mediator BB - Secure Access API

  • Start working on testing platform

  • Help with defining APIs for BB prioritized in the next phase - Messaging

PR reviews

  • Both technical and domain experts approval are required

  • Once PR is created, we can do the technical review on our side but for domain expertise we need to add either BB Lead or a person who was appointed by a lead

    • Satya should be notified that PR was created, we can mention him in the comment on Jira ticket

  • If we do not get a review within 2 day, we should let the BB Leads know we are awaiting this and add Satya in CC

Further priorities

  • We need to start working on Messaging BB and help with defining APIs for this BB

  • We need to contact with Benjamin to see how we can help with Consent BB

Review test configuration for Data Registries - Data API

  • Gherkin tests - Satya will share with us examples from Sreepathy so we can take a look at it and add additional tests to our scenarios

  • Averything else looks good


  • Once Digital Registries BB is finished maybe we should start thinking of integrating test harness with Sandbox

    • What Sandbox is expecting from our test cases? How are they going to use test cases?

 Action items

Action Items

Responsible party


Action Items

Responsible party


To discuss/agree how test harness can be integrated with Sandbox and when? Involve Meelis, Jarkko, Ramkumar, Steve, Taylor, Satya.

@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

Jan 20, 2023

To talk with Benjamin and Ain how much work if left in Consent BB so we adjust the work and help

@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

Jan 20, 2023