Kick-off Meeting


Nov 22, 2022


  • @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

  • @Damian Szafranek

  • @Damian Borowiecki

  • @Paweł Gesek

  • @Kamil Piotrowski (Deactivated)

  • Krystian Lider

  • @Wes Brown

  • @Steve Conrad

  • @Esther Ogunjimi



 Discussion topics









Introducing all team members and their role.


High-level goals and requirements.



Review project scope


  • Implementing Cucumber Tests, Mocks, and Continuous Integration

  • Frontend Development

  • Scrum and Backlog Management

Establish/review base feature set and team tasks


  • Master Backlog:

  • Technical Team work:  

  • Implementing Cucumber Tests, Mocks, and Continuous Integration

    • Work with Testing team and BB leads to write Cucumber tests and feature files

    • Develop mock implementations of the APIs to be tested

    • Write Dockerfiles and necessary tooling to run tests on CircleCI automatically on every update

    • Note: some BBs have technical capacity, some need developer support

  • Frontend Development

    • Develop a frontend platform that allows users to select a building block, run tests against a product, and generate a report that shows which tests are passing/failing

  • Scrum and Backlog Management

    • Work with BB leads to identify APIs to be tested, write tasks in backlog, manage priorities and set up sprints for each BB as well as testing team (work with Steve and Esther)

Establish milestones and deadlines



Finalize project development methodology and agree about the process



Schedule recurring meetings


Backlog refinement
Sprint planning
Sprint review
Daily standup
Sprint retrospective

Make sure everyone has got access to the code repository, Slack, Jira project, Confluence and any other required resources


Identify points of contacts


Next steps


  • We need to go through the backlog and get familiar with it.

  • We should start with payments, identity and scheduling BB. We should ask each BB lead if they have APIs ready, what’s the status and how can we help.

  • Review GitHub repositories

 Action items

Action Items

Responsible party


Action Items

Responsible party



Nov 22, 2022