2022-12-05 Meeting notes

2022-12-05 Meeting notes


Dec 5, 2022


  • @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @Akseli Karvinen

  • @Wes Brown

  • @jarkkohyoty

  • @Priit Puru

  • @Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated)

  • @Jonas Bergmeier

  • @Artun Gürkan


Overview of last week’s progress and raised questions

  •  Discussion topics







week 49 progress
Sprint 2

UI /UX (Jonas and Priit)
Deployment process draft (Kimmo) GovStack sandbox execution environment
Cloud enviroment set-up (Akseli)
API- compliancy validation and (Bert) CI/CD tool evaluation

Architecture refinement (Jarkko)https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEMO/pages/102105089/A+GovStack+Instance

Interaction between other WG-s (Meelis)

  • UX/UI team will share UCSCT analysis results next week meeting

  • Emphaty map results will not be finished during this sprint due to the workshop time.

  • @Priit Puru demonstrated a quick overview of the component library/foundation for Sandbox.

  • Chakra was selected for Frontend Framework due to various reasons (such as accessibility)

  • BBs should not have to customized by Gofore team. But BBs have certain limitation that makes it hard to automated. Hence certain customization/configuration might require manual steps.

  • @Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated) Presented the CI/CD tool evaluation. Currently, based on the findings CircleCI will be picked.

  • At the moment, all the building blocks will run through the same security server based on the architecture refinement. It will have some example to show what is the realistic approach and how users can implement. @Nico Lueck Proposed to take more realistic approach. @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) proposed to create most feasible and cost effective setup of sandbox to be designed, in addition Gofore team highlight the topics what users can make different for scenarios/setups etc.

Discussion about Retrospective findings

How to concentrate on topic what can be realy improved?
GovStack SandBox Retrospectivearchived


Sandbox visioning



 Action items

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) Roadmap discussion on a higher level
Does anybody has created a Govstack account for CircleCI, and how the account management/ billing is set?
@Jonas Bergmeier @Artun Gürkan will share UCSCT analysis during next meeting



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