2023-06-05 Sprint Review

2023-06-05 Sprint Review


Jun 5, 2023


@Oleksii Danyliuk @Martha Vasquez @Farina Owusu @jarkkohyoty @Satyajit Suri @Akseli Karvinen @Priit Puru @Тsvetormir Krumov@Vladislav Todorov@Nico Lueck@Vasil Kolev @Jonas Bergmeier @Artun Gürkan

Excused: @Wes Brown


 Review topics











2 min

Sprint 14 short summary

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

Mostly team was working on setting up plans how to start implementing the MVP.
Lots of inside allignment meetings/ workshops


5 min

Review of last sprint activities

@Vladislav Todorov @Tsvetomir Krumov

Payment BB deployment & MVP activities


5-10 min

Summary from Sprint activities

@Martha Vasquez @Priit Puru

Simulation next Steps (current GovStack Global Homepage, next Steps and QA)



Priit: But All in all, progress has been OK and continuing work on the different interactions between the different panels and the fake app in the middle of all of it. And progress is going pretty OK,
J: we're looking to do a QA phase.
Yeah, he's not there yet, but after his vacation, which is going to be next week, I think it makes more sense to QA then because it's how to create a 90% finished.

Product would be better to wait for him to raise his hand and and tell us, OK, now it's QA really.

Otherwise we would collect things he might have been finishing anyway, but that's the current situation, yes.

So and also we are, as as Martha said and started to consider to bring it live on the current home page.

And Farina and Martha worked on cooking up the the ends to make this happen.

But this is still, yeah, we we are waiting For more information and contact to the United Nations people who are hosting the current website to yeah, talk about this specific details especially for Priit.

Um to serve the React application then there.
N: Question: OK, so that means we are heading for a release end of the month at best.
M: So end of the month sounds reasonable, but I wouldn't really point pinpoint and on date to that right now because we don't know what we're gonna find her in the Q session.


Review of last sprint activities

@Oleksii Danyliuk

Github-gitbook documentation structure & Implementation project start

Authentication and Cross-BB Authorization


So I the biggest achievement was work in with driver application with smoke Asturias which would be a driver application for unconditional social transfer and we had many discussions regards the knowledges regards how to connect it with the UI, how to align and what.

And during previous Sprint I had a few uh updates on documentation, minor updates, but I I would say that this part of work on driver application was the most maybe important and productive effective for project.

Authentication topic is significant to solve over Govstack initiative becaus it will influence compliency process as well

github pull requests

2 min

Review of last sprint activities

@Akseli Karvinen

Questions asked after Infra presentation

I'm just waiting for our service service center to create it and then it's a push of a button and we'll have a new environment and other activities.

I have been doing are mostly documentation and refinement and some under the hood security restrictions to the the to that roles that can deploy and so a refinement.

2 min

Requernments (1st version) toward BB candidates


How we expect to get feedback

Well, they have a lot of discussions about the round trip MVP application.

one contribution from a has been the at least initial guidelines for building pocket implement doors about sandbox deployability., any feedback toward this requirements is appreciated.

5 min

First feedback from onboarding and next steps forward

@Vasil Kolev

Goals toward MVP and Govstack community (topics to still dive in)


2 min

Sprint 15 proposed goals

@Vasil Kolev @Jonas Bergmeier

Backlog refinment and sprint planning meeting tomorrow at 1 pm CET Click here to join the meeting


5-10 min

AOT- another open topics


Documentation delivery - Community building
Latest API specs are in Gitbook 1.0 version.


 Action items

@jarkkohyoty small introduction about delivered guidelines tomorrow BB alignment meeting


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