2023-03-20 Bi-weekly meeting notes

2023-03-20 Bi-weekly meeting notes


Mar 20, 2023


@jarkkohyoty @Jonas Bergmeier @Wes Brown @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Farina Owusu @Heidi Kuum (Deactivated) @Jukka Aaltonen (Deactivated)


 Review topics











5 min

Call for testers

@Jonas Bergmeier

USCT Simulation User Testing 2023/04 | Screener

@Farina Owusu will take request to GIZ community, though one of the key stakeholders is expected to return from vacation beginning of next week

5-10 min

Expectation management

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

What are expectations toward sandbox in a process of publication/ release 1

For 1 st release there no special expectations becaus the sandbox readiness isn´t at this level. For the next realise 3-4 months there is expected to see already examples from sandbox implementation (USCT)

5-10 min

Git repositorio discussion

@Wes Brown @jarkkohyoty

Wes can envision his expectation how the code/ document repos should be organized
Development practices

Repositories (source code)

  • Repositories are hosted in GovStack Github organization.

  • We follow “multi-repo” model were logically separate components are hosted in their own repositories.

  • Sandbox-related repositories have a sandbox- -prefix

  • By default, repositories are public, unless there is some specific reason to keep them private.

Building block repositories

For now, we keep sandbox-related code in their own repositories to avoid conflicts with TC work (for example bb-information-mediator related config in sandbox-bb-im). Eventually, when we have verified our approach and sandbox architecture, sandbox-related packaging (custom Docker images, Helm charts and so on) are likely moved to corresponding bb- repositories.

5 min

Stackholder feedback

@Wes Brown

In addition to team retrospective findings it would be valuble to get feedback from outside perspective

Govstack SandBox Retrospective #4archived

5 min

Govstack Sandbox “meetup”

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

Time frame /agenda/participants

Some of Govstack people will propobly meet in Berlin (08-10.05). End of May would be one targetted option.

 Action items

Discussion about the UI patterns should be set up @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Wes Brown
@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) will talk to Alexander
@Jonas Bergmeier will setup a meeting with Wesley
@jarkkohyoty @Wes Brown find a solution for the surplus repositories




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