2022-10-24 - Sandbox - Weekly Review

2022-10-24 - Sandbox - Weekly Review


Oct 24, 2022


  • @Wes Brown

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @jarkkohyoty

  • @Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated)

  • Marten Soo

  • @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

  • @Satyajit Suri


 Discussion Topics





Meeting lead (@Marko Kilpeläinen ) is out sick so there isn’t much of an agenda for today

Initial Documents

Will be working on pulling those together

Wes - Would be helpful to have Functional and then create Technical Specifications adding detail to the information in the ToRs

Meelis - Agreed, we need this documentation soon

Nico - Will set up a meeting on Wednesday to discuss initial thoughts and plans (for both GiZ and Gofore)

Shared Meeting Calendar

Meelis - Suggested a shared calendar (or calendars for tech, business, etc)

Nico - GIZ is likely to be the most restrictive on this.

Use Cases

Wes - The GovStack Product Committee will be working to suggest 2-3 specific use cases

Meelis - What level of Use Cases are we working with? More technical/sysops or functional?

  • Wes - More functional. Tech use cases also exist and can be used by the Gofore team but sysops are not created (as far as I know)

Nico - We’ve been looking at the User Journeys from ITU

  • Wes - We are working on more

 Action items

@Nico Lueck will check on how a shared Sandbox calendar can be created
@Nico Lueck to set up meeting for Wednesday to discuss functional requirements
@Nico Lueck will create document with additional detail on TOR requirements; @Wes Brown and @Satyajit Suri to review
@Nico Lueck to change meeting time to one hour later


  1. Copy at least one other person for any gofore emails, to ensure that information doesn’t get lost