2023-03-13 Meeting notes - Sprint Review

2023-03-13 Meeting notes - Sprint Review


Mar 13, 2023


@jarkkohyoty @Oleksii Danyliuk @Priit Puru @Tsvetomir Krumov @Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated) @Jonas Bergmeier @Artun Gürkan @Martha Vasquez @Nico Lueck

@Heidi Kuum (Deactivated)- on vacation till Mar 19, 2023
@Akseli Karvinen - on vacation tillMar 19, 2023

@Vladislav Todorov - excused absent

 Review topics












Srint 8 goals

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

USCT Simulation:

  • Review, feedback and iterate second batch of USCT wireframes

  • Frontend development of USCT enrolment part

  • Indexing and analysing technical sources for USCT simulation

  • Onboarding Martha

Technical Sandbox:

  • Create a Helm charts for Open-imis to up and run in AWS
    -Continue over current Mifos research to up & run PaymentHub EE in AWS

  • OpenIMIS deployment into Sandbox

  • EKS refactoring finished and

  • some smaller Security and documentation updates


5 min

Progress report/

@Priit Puru

USCT frontend progres update


  • simplify the user flow of the simulation (tbd by UX Team)

  • highlight persona tasks with visual clues in the simulation

    • will be done with the contextual panel design

  • extract common elements from the interface for reuse purposes

UX/UI: Visuals were not planned yet. UI patterns were taken out of scope.
Currently working only on the service design concept.

5 min

Progress report/

@Oleksii Danyliuk


SND-151: Create Helm chars to deploy OpenIMIS BB to the sandboxDone
SND-198: Check API for a happy path & describe the result in the documentation. Done


2 min

Progress report/

@Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated)

SND-188: Document IM BBDone
SND-194: Package Registries BB (CR and IFMIS) as Helm charts so that it can be deployed to sandboxDone

Question: Is the current work aligned with Alexanders?

Work is only aligned with MVP prototype.

5 min

Progress report/

@Tsvetomir Krumov @Vladislav Todorov

SND-122: Domains and DNSDone
SND-171: Payment Hub EE (Mifos)Done
SND-172: Prepare ECR repositories for Payment Hub EE via Terra grunt/formDone
SND-176: Export images from provided private repository and import them in the sandbox ECRDone

MIfos resorce usages- snapshot


  • can we run a demo version of the payment on the sandbox? - short answer: yes, we try to run a local demonstration environment of the payment BB.

  • Question: Is this out of scope for the sandbox? It may not provide so much benefit and would be costly.
    No software should be involved in the sandbox.

2 min





5 min

Progress report/

@Akseli Karvinen

SND-185: Documentation updatingDone
SND-143: EKS refactoringDone

on vacation


Update UX / UI



SND-137: USCT - eGov simulation - UX/UIDone

SND-180: Index information of technical sourcesDone

SND-166: Review sources and extract relevant parts for USCT simulationDone

SND-184: Workshop session regarding possible BBs integration on USCT simulation WireframesDone


Sprint 9 - Focus on design of contextual panel, work towards being ready to prepare testing at end of sprint





5 min

Sprint 9 goals

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

FE: Focus on design of contextual panel, work towards being ready to prepare testing at end of sprint

Finalize the provided BB technical exploration (deployment into sandbox)
Happy flow technical (API level) exploration
Sandbox as the independent environment deployment consistensy
Documentation update

5 min

Retrospective (14.03)

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)



10 min

AOTtD (another open topics to discuss)

@Nico Lueck @Satyajit Suri @Wes Brown

  • All ITU contracts signed - Meeting with all BB Providers, when? Are we prepared?

  • GovStack Github: Many Sandbox Repos. Let’s clean up and assign responsible person

  • Add a documentation into confluence of why there are so many different repositories

  • Repros will disappear e.g. BB script works out. It’ll be combined with another one but until that, the repros stay separate to avoid conflict.

 Action items

Discussion about the UI patterns should be set up @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Wes Brown
@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) will talk to Alexander
@Jonas Bergmeier will setup a meeting with Wesley
@jarkkohyoty @Wes Brown find a solution for the surplus repositories




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