2023-07-20 Community Review


Jul 20, 2023



 Review topics











7 min


@Nico Lueck

Short memory refreshment

Information about the structure of the team

  • Scenario analytics and UI/UX development

  • Backend stack development, BB integration

  • Infrastructure management and development

Questions at the end

15 min

USCT Simulation and UX/UI deliverables

@Artun Gürkan @Priit Puru

  • USCT Simulation - Live product demo

    • context

      • empathy map

      • outline what we wanted to accomplish (starting from HMW?) along the application

      • user testing

    • show journey from user perspective (mocked) before entering the simulation

    • show live application on both device categories

  • Djibouti Use Case

    • learnings from USCT use case

    • approach for Djibouti use case

    • current progress along implementation playbook

    • takeaways for service block proposal

  • Service Blocks community proposal

    • @Artun Gürkan


10 min

Presentation of the infrastructure

@Vasil Kolev

Current state and further targets

  • Sandbox environment

    • Installed BBs

    • Issues and TODOs

  • Common BB playground

    • Targets

    • Lessons to be learned (cloud dependency, minification, coexistence, resource consumption, etc.)

  • Separated environments for BB

    • Targets

      • Allow the provider to independently install its software without any dependencies

      • Assess the required cloud dependencies during the installation

      • Assess the resource requirements for normal function

      • Minify the installation

      • Remove cloud dependencies

      • Package according to the requirements for a sandbox deployable BB

      • Test the packaging in the common BBs playground as staging step to the sandbox deployment

  • External installations

    • Adapters as proxies and BBs

    • Delegate BBs

    • API gateways showcase implementation (Ukraine system)



10 min

Presentation of the use case implementation structure

@Vasil Kolev @Oleksii Danyliuk @Vladislav Todorov

Full stack description and explanation

  • BB Emulators

  • IM configuration

  • Driver application (orchestrator)

  • UI connectivity and session management (identity, permissions)

  • Scenario structure and showcase details


5 min

Backend implementation explanation and demonstration. Full stack approach.

@Vasil Kolev

Show different implementations

  • Emulator repository

  • X-Road configuration

  • Driver app (database, user management, API delegation)


5 min

Our challenges to be resolved short future

@Vasil Kolev



10 min

Questions from audience




 Action items