November 17, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes

November 17, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes


  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Aleksander Reitsakas

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Steve Conrad

  • @Wes Brown

  • @Jaume DUBOIS

  • @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)

  • @Laurence Berry (Unlicensed)

  • @Tarek Rashed

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen


  • @Mathlouthi, Walid

  • @Satyajit Suri

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @Esther Ogunjimi




Previous Action Items

Action Items

Action Items

Work with BB Leads to build their roadmap in Jira and size up the tasks - @Steve Conrad ONGOING
All BB leads yet to, should write their test plan and send to Taylor and Ramkumar (architecture team) to review and sign off. Pending with @Satyajit SuriONGOING
Account mapper keeps the ID with payment discussion will be planned with Jaume (IDV BB) to better understand the API - @Mauree, Venkatesen
Have focus discussion on role based access control for consent BB and feedback to TC - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)
Have clear template for API description and bit of training for all BB Leads - @Steve Conrad @Esther Ogunjimi
BB Leads to make a list of existing specification in terms of functionalities (which are the APIs that should be demonstrated) - make a list of what to work on in the specification - send to Ramkumar
Collaborate on level 2 testing - @Taylor Downs @PSRAMKUMAR @Aleksander Reitsakas @Ingmar Vali


Meeting Notes






Wave 3 BB Leads


Wave3 Leads were introduced and welcomed to TC

  • Review pending action items

  • Risk register

@Esther Ogunjimi

10 minutes

Technical Risk Register

  • API description template overview

  • Sprints

  • Sprint review/retro


@Steve Conrad

25 minutes

  • Will be reaching out to wave3 BB leads to stalk their work in Jira backlog

  • Wave 1&2 are working on API definitions

  • The testing process is to understand what APIs should be exposed by any candidate product that is designed for BB functionality. To do this, we need to understand the API to be delivered by BBs and the data structure. API Documentation

  • There is section in the BB definitions for data structure - this is where each BB will define their core data model in Gitbook

Rachel - why does GS care what data structure software system that is implementing the GS API uses internally?

Steve - We care what the data structure is passed within components but not internally

Taylor - all BB agreed to provide a common set of APIs which list the workflows processes that are engageable on the BB and must be accessible via a particular end and must return a list. However, currently, all BB are trying to specify the data structure, and it wont get to the level of complete granularity but it will provide what the request and response should look like.

Rachel - defining data structure that passes by API but how will it is be presented to the world must comply with the spec. However, other BBs might not completely align with this when you read their specs, some are sounding like they are defining data structure internally.

Ramkumar - At the periphery of the BB, these services are exposed and the data exposing that (i.e., name format, time in UTC etc.), we are not drilling down in our approach but there has been a resource model.

Some BBs dependencies are known but most of the work is left for implementation.

Rachel - All BBs specs need to be reviewed and ensure the expectation is clear.

Wes - The BB documentation for each BB is slightly different in content. It is important to review and ensure there is consistency in structure. it is the role of a tech writer or Steve and Ramkumar.

Taylor - We should standardize BB templates and someone need to take over the ownership of managing the BBs repo.

Wes - When we get to the phase of releasing GS, PO (Wes) is expected to look over things and sign off.


BB updates

BB Leads

20 minutes


  • Have issue in creating epic in Jira

  • Released first API for authentication attribute sharing last week.

  • Will leverage standard protocol for testing

  • Prototyping with integration with MOSIP team, registration BB and digital registries

  • Working on how to onboard people into the functional ID - if someone want to use a demo, it can first onboard itself, and then authentication

  • ID mapping is still at the early stage of description

Satya - the next step is to start creating the test cases and also get developer resources to focus on ID definition work.

Consent BB

  • Have committed to three task for the first sprint already stalked in the sprint backlog.

  • Might require developer input for sprint 2



  • Working with gofore to clarifying how sandbox will be implemented and have aligned on that

  • How to test other BB with IM

Steve - do you have bandwidth to work on API initial definition

Alex - Will take a look and revert


Payment BB

  • Focusing on defining APIs for USSD payment and also working in parallel for bill payment UC which was not covered in the first wave. Defined payment flows for three scenarios for bill payment.

  • Require developer for API testing


Schedular BB

  • All APIs are defined six months ago and waiting to be tested when the test platform is set up.


Test & Integration

  • In process of getting plan harness to shape. Will be demonstrating mock responder server at the testing call on Friday. Developing gherkin future file.

Test compliance

@Nico Lueck

15 minutes

Software Compliance Concept

  • Gofore will need to be guided on which BB to choose, and argue why the BB is selected.

  • developing of test scripts and automation

  • How can we do a lighter version based on spec v0.9?

Alex - proposed workflow

Ramkumar - consider workflow the advance stage of mapping the candidate. Get insight from PC for the DPG to map and prioritize.

It will help to prioritize API

Nico - BB is defined by the first BB to choose

Ramkumar - there are only two aspect - have mock test and the candidate under this is mock candidate. The mock can be replaced by the actual BB.


Steve - create tasks for each BB to identify candidates.

How to integrate and test BB with IM

@Aleksander Reitsakas

15 minutes

Testing BB API with IM

  • The scope of testing is defined

PC read out

@Wes Brown

5 minutes

2022-11-16 - Product Committee Meeting Note



Meeting Recording


Action Items

All wave 1&2 BB to define their core data model (data structure) in GitBook - @BB Leads
BB definition template - @Steve Conrad @PSRAMKUMAR
@Aleksander Reitsakas to confirm to Steve if he has bandwidth to work on API initial definition for IM BB
Get an indicator of when the mock will be ready for compliance - @Satyajit Suri @Nico Lueck

