Nico: Would like to move this discussion to Jan/Feb and have this discussion in the Governance meeting instead where there are more members involved so more efficient to discuss the chart there.
Chart outlined based on different Committees, responsibilities, team allocation
No response on the post he made on Slack.
Product Committee - Wes is currently the only lead for it.
Ramkumar: we shouldn’t redefine or come up with new scopes.
Wes: no decisions should be made, just great for each Committee to see who is doing what and have it reflect the current status of what people are involved and what others are doing. Here for people to know it exist, know who to contact about it and know who to reach out to for any changes needed.
Product Committee Feedback
@Wes Brown
10 min
Cadence - Too often, too long/short?
Steve: Keeping to 1-hour is helpful
Ramkumar: Focus more on additional use cases, working with country engagement
Steve: +1, the technical committee increasingly needs this information. Could also do this in a separate session(s)
Ramkumar: Would be helpful to have a cross-disciplinary team to review/evaluate use cases
Nico: There is only Wes (and Saina!) to focus on the work decided by this group. There are not enough people dedicated to the work
Ramkumar: BB leads are very pressed for time
Ramkumar: Getting additional involvement and leadership would be helpful
Yolanda: Vary the involvement based on the use case being discussed (and focus on this). Build an agenda further out so it is clear what we are going to discuss and when. Prioritize discussions according to timelines
What authority is given to the product committee?
Wes: It’s not “authority”, instead it is responsibility to work with community for GovStack-level process decisions and primarily to develop use cases
Ramkumar: Translate from country/implementation to tech. We could organize ourselves around use case teams comprising whatever roles are needed (country, product, technical)
Why are the countries involved in the this committee?