2022-11-16 - Product Committee


Nov 16, 2022


  • @Moritz Fromageot

  • @Jaume DUBOIS

  • @Steve Conrad

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Nicki Ashcroft

  • @Sainabou Jallow

  • @Margus Magi

  • @Niharika Gujela

  • @Sarah Farooqi

  • @Stadnic, Valentina

  • @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

  • @Wes Brown

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @Esther Ogunjimi

Meeting Recording

Recording URL: Product Committee Meetings-20221116_090319-Meeting Recording.mp4

 Discussion topics





Review Action Items

@Wes Brown

10 min


GovStack Implementation Playbook

@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

15 min



  • Rachel - Who is the intended reader?

    • Yolanda - Country digital teams (ministry representatives)

    • Rachel - So this documentation is our (GovStack) guidance for how to implement in a GovStack-based system?

    • Yolanda - It is guidance for how to “design digital services” in an efficient manner. This playbook supports countries that are a various stages and levels of digital service maturity

  • Rachel - What is the relationship between this playbook and GovStack?

    • Wes - My impression is that these are separate “things”, the Implementation Playbook leads to the Core GovStack publications

    • Taylor - Diagraming how these pieces fit together might be helpful, taking into account specific proposed user roles

    • Yolanda - This is expected to be a part of GovStack, not something separate

  • Margus - There is a business component to the implementation as well, these documentation(s) need to recognize that reality

Gitbook Licensing

@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

5 min

We have been given open source license

  • Does not have some enterprise features (SSO)

  • Margus - Is this a normal license for OSS projects?

    • Rachel - We had to apply but yes, this is a normal OSS license

Sandbox Use Cases

@Nico Lueck

5 min

Feedback on Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

Looking for documentation about the Djibouti Construction/Online Building Plan use case

Compliance Update

@Moritz Fromageot

5 min

First meeting is today: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3Ameeting_N2ExMWFhNWEtZjUzYi00NmVmLWI1NWEtYzVmMGQwZTkyMGQz%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3A"5bbab28c-def3-4604-8822-5e707da8dba8"%2C"Oid"%3A"ed859525-d9b0-4a21-8aba-d7e65acf0020"}


Use Case Process

@Wes Brown

15 min

How-To Contribute a Reference Use Case


  • Yolanda - How does this relate to the country engagement?

    • Wes - Now Country → Core, future Core ↔︎ Country

  • Margus - How do we reflect the individualized country use case requirements in general use cases

Building Block Workgroup Cookbook


5 min


GovStack Release

@Wes Brown

10 min

What core product use cases should we prioritize and when could we realistically create a v1.0 release?

Product Use Case Template

@Wes Brown

10 min

Reference Use Case Template

Example: https://app.gitbook.com/o/pxmRWOPoaU8fUAbbcrus/s/YLLEfCKTnmzAMDSDzJJH/~/changes/cQiu8JkB9DJ0ZSLu2BTM/page-1/inst-usct-1-unconditional-social-cash-transfer (Unconditional Social Cash Transfer)

Need to make a decision; are there objections to starting with current template and then revisiting after we complete 3 product use cases?

Comments on current template:



5 min

Wiki: Terminology




 Action items

@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) Train tech teams on where to document things once Google Drive goes awayPRD-51: Document Training for BB TeamsDone
@Steve Conrad to work with Ramkumar about process to turn off Google DrivePRD-52: Sunset Google DriveIn Progress
@Eskandar, Hani to share recording on Djibouti Use Case meeting(s)
@Wes Brown schedule initial Compliance WG meeting PRD-53: Schedule Initial Compliance WG MeetingDone
@Wes Brown to work on how to incorporate the logical process flow into use case stepPRD-55: Research Incorporating the Logical Process Flow into the Use Case TemplateDone
@Wes Brown to break apart use case steps into individual document pages
@Wes Brown schedule time (PC or otherwise) to discuss how the Implementation Playbook fits into the overall Core GovStack Initiative


  1. We will use the Terminology page on gitbook
  2. We will use the current Use Case template and iterate on the design (e.g. logical process flow and steps into individual pages)